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Suggest a caliber choice
« on: April 09, 2007, 05:05:58 AM »
Some of you folks have given me lots of helpful suggestions about a pending revolver purchase.  Im greatful and now Im seeking more advice.  Im still looking for a "full figured" (read that as big) DA revolver with about a 3 inch barrel, sort of something in the range of a Ruger Alaskan to a S&W "Thunder Ranch" type.

This is mostly a toy and sadly wont see lots of use.  Im thinking that when its carried it will be as a "trail gun"(???) while Im woods hiking.  There arent alot of dangerous four legged animals here in the "Peoples Republik of Maryland" but the two legged versions are plentiful.  So Im more concerned with stumbling on to another "camper" with an unpleasant disposition than an angry bear.

That being said, as much as I think the S&W 500 is Cooool and the 454 Alaskan looks great with the unfluted cylinder, Im thinking something more like the 44 mag, 45 Colt, or even 45acp.  Ive been driving myself crazy with all the options. 

With 44 mag I can use 44 special and even 44 Russian plus lots of various factory stuff in the 44mag, AND its available almost every where. 

The 45 Colt does get me back into the 454 Alaskan that just looks coooooool, and 45 Colt does have some variety of (although less than 44 mag) factory options.

Then theres the 45acp.  Its a great round and I currenty have a 1917 and a G36.  Im finding less options in a DA then it seems there used to be (when I didnt want one).  Factory ammo is available and reasonably cheap.

Ok so this wont be an ankle gun nor one Im going to worry about deep concealment, just a jacket or vest to "keep the dust off it" (I can carry concealed), and Im kinda full figured myself so a big gun wont add to much to my trail weight.  Im thinking with the shorter barrel I wont get full magnum potential; BUT frankly the muzzle flash might also be a deterrent to our friends shoot sideways.

Ammo cost is only a minor consideration, BUT availability is much more of a concern.  I dont always have the luxury of planning my free time, so when it comes up Id like to be able to grab my stuff and go.  Some of the rounds like 454 and 500 just arent stocked in Walmart or your average hardware store, so I want something that I can find without much trouble.

Whatdaya think? & which gun would you pick?


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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2007, 05:11:42 AM »
Sorry I almost forgot, I AM GONNA BUY SOMETHING! and Id like to keep the price to less than $800 (less is better too).  Thats what an Alaskan is going for around here but pretty much rules out any of the 500s.

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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2007, 03:30:48 PM »
I would recommend the Ruger Redhawk stainless 4" 44Mag.  This is about the perfect size/length of carry gun in the field, at least in my opinion.  Ammo is available about anywhere and can be bought for all types of applications.  Most over the counter fodder will be for general use but heavier loads can be purchased on-line such as Buffalo Bore with 300 grain slugs to make this defense pistol into a real thumper on big game if the occasion ever arises.

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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2007, 04:04:54 PM »
It's impossible to better a S&W. And there is no better handgun round than anything in .44 !

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2007, 11:33:22 PM »
thats two excellent suggestions. A 4 inch redhawk 44 or a 4 inch smith 44. Either will do the job.
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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2007, 03:42:00 AM »
Well, the wind was blowing me towards 45acp; but I suppose 44 mag has its advantages.  I was back to the Alaskan; but am I also hearing the 4 inch is better?  I started this search because I thought I wanted a snubby, after I saw the Alaskan and S&W 500 snubs.    Im open to suggestions and honestly, I doubt I'll ever need the extra heavy,  Super Redhawk or X-frame, but they do look cool.

Id be interested in hearing from anyone whos carried a Big snubby like those.  Honestly this isnt a need and until recently I would have argued that one of my auto loaders would be better for two legged predators.  As far as that goes I not going in search of trouble, quite the contrary, I like the woods,  because most of the types that wear their hats sideways and shoot the same dont seem to go very far from asphalt.  I want this more for the comfort of self reliance and to extract my self from a nasty situation, before it gets truely ugly.

I did a "Gunbroker" search and of course came up with tooooo many choices, which is what prompted this issue.  There were a couple of 629 with 3 inch barrels, and the various Alaskans.  Will I suffer too much from the shorter barrel?  I know a 6 inch would give the best performance, but thats definetly out.

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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2007, 05:42:59 PM »
The .45 ACP is a great round but it is not designed as a trail gun.  I have owned .45 ACP's will not carry them as a ranch or trail gun.

In addition to the great suggestions you should look at a Dan Wesson .445 SuperMag or .44 it lets you change barrels.  So you can play with 2, 4 or 6 inch barrels.  Plus I understand the .445 SuperMag performance is very good...


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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2007, 10:41:37 AM »
Well this is as good a time as any to show my ignorance.  I thought Dan Wesson was out of production.  I used to own a 357 with the heavy vent barrel.  I loved it.  I called it the "poor man's" python.  I never bought other barrels and wished I would have, that would make this selection more fun. 

I havnt seen any listings in Shotgun News or any of the auction sites for new ones; or have I just been looking in the wrong places.  A 2" and 4" in 44mag would be a nice starter set. 

Are they still being made?


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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2007, 11:05:16 AM »
More ignorance....... Are you saying 45acp isnt a good trail gun cartridge because of its limited power and available factory loads versus say a 44 mag?  Continued ignorance, what can a 44mag do in a 3" that a 45acp wont?

Im now leaning towards a 3" Smith in 44mag or still possibly to the Ruger 44mag Alaskan.  Like most of you guys I generally think S&W is a "nicer" revolver and Ruger cant be beat in the rugged department.  Colts just arent available anymore and the rest, are well the rest.....

I like the looks of the Giant Ruger Alaskan; but may not like carrying it in the long run; but the fear of it being too big to carry is what is making me hesitate about the 4" S&W.  I wish I knew someone who owns an Alaskan.  I like to know what its like to carry.  I doubt recoil will be an issue with either, and muzzle blast has never been much of an issue with me in a handgun.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2007, 11:27:07 AM »
for a handloader a 45acp revolver is a great trial gun a smith can be loaded with either acps or auto rims to 800 fps with a 250 grain bullet easily and that load will take care of anything a trail gun needs to do. Another plus is 45acp ball is cheap to buy
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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2007, 01:28:03 PM »
Thanks, I dont reload.  Its kinda magic to me.  I can tell you all about internal combustion, I can even talk you through changing YOUR oil; but Id never attempt it on MY car without an instructor looking over my shoulder.  Reloading is the same Im pretty sure I know what to do, but no one ever taught me the "magic incantations...."

I had thought about 45acp because I own a couple and this revolver although Im calling it a "trail gun"  because thats where Im gonna carry it, I more expect it to "shooo away" two legged preditors. There may be some problems with four legged furry friends but I dont expect much worse than packs of dogs.

Still you guys have got me leaning towards the 44mag.  Id like to know about some carry options as well.  What ever I get is gonna be too large for tossing in a pocket and my trousers seemed to have shrunk over the years.  I usually go with a strong side belt holster.  I dont mind kydex for autos, in fact I kinda like it.  For revolvers it seems a bit too "hi tech, thats where leather really appeals to me.  The question is what style and who makes a good one?   

Offline dougk

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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2007, 04:42:56 PM »
If you want new Dan Wesson makes a .445 SuperMag.   Dan Wesson is owned by CZ USA.

For 2 legged the .45ACP is great I was addressing the 4 legged which a .44mag would be great. 

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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2007, 10:46:50 PM »
After re-reading your post and doing some thinking (that usually gets me in trouble), you said your major concern was 2-legged varmints. Now I'm a big lover of calibers that start with a "4" however, since large dangerous animals are not a big issue, how about a 3" .357? It's the perfect "all round" gun. It can easily take care of dangerous folks, and even black bear with good loads. AND it's gonna be easier to find a good used .357 at a cheaper price cuz there are just so many more of them out there.

I know a .357 ain't as much fun as a .44 mag, however, it sounds like you don't really need a .44. HOWEVER, if you've already got a .357 and are just looking for an excuse to buy a new gun, just forget everything I said. I don't want to get in the way of that! ;D

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Re: Suggest a caliber choice
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2007, 12:58:50 AM »
how much are you looking to spend?