As a friend and now retired 'smith taught me, anything is possible if you have enough money. In Shotgun News ( there are advertisers that handle used parts for about anything. Hard copy, 3 times a month, will have more details. No the ads are not the same each issue, sorry. WW I revolver? I think the Civilian version was Colt New Service. Rare but possible. Fastest service is usually Gun Parts division of Numrich, costs the most too. SARCO comes to mind. No telling what they might have around. No, S&W parts will not, probably, fit without alot of work. b). You can buy a new barrel of whatever description and quality that suits you and have it fitted. Not a terrible job for anyone trained as a machinist. Gun Smiths, today, are machinists with FFL's (Federal Firearms Licenses.) Ask around. There are many "metal workers" with machine tools in their basements. Might find one with an FFL or just likes to play cheap. If the "gun" (the frame) does not leave your possession he could screw a barrel in without an FFL or so I was told... Otherwise, in Gun Digest Annual in the back there is a list of the better 'smiths that choose to advertise. Cost and delivery will reflect this. luck.