So people... how often do you guys clean you Freedom Arms revolver? When you do, do you just run over it with a cloth or do you remove the cylinder and use oil and copper-brushes to clean the cylinder?
I personally clean my 9mm and my S&W 686 every time I come home from the range! Some say: "Way to go kid, that'll keep your guns accurate and functional for a long time"! Other people say: "If you keep cleaning that poor pistol, you'll end up with nothing to shoot with"! I think one of reasons as to why I do it is that I just like sitting and cleaning and holding the guns, the smell of oil and to see the residue come off the steel! When you take a gun apart, clean it and assemble it again, you feel the weapon is a part of you, a part of your DNA... as it should be!
I think my question is, do a Freedom Arms need to be cleaned every time you shoot it due to the "bank-vault" - lock-up and the overall tightness and all??