I live on a steep hill. If you look on the right side of pic you can just see my neigbors back deck which sits 10 feet off the ground. It's actually a good thing it hit the cars (you can't see the 3rd one) because it would have tore off about 10' of the corner of my house and I would have only been an arms length away on the couch as it came through the house.
They (punks) had not even curbed the wheels. I actually walked up to them a few houses up the hill and asked, "Say did you guys park a dump truck out on the street...well it just took offf and hit 3 cars." The look on their face was priceless.
Somewhere I have a pic of the driver calling his boss on the cell phone to tell him. I'll have to find it. That is a pic of someone having a bad day.
The mustang was messed up pretty good, crushed it down kind of. Lving on this hill for 30 years I've had my share of metal get hit for various reason.
And I can top the above with a freak accident my wife had in the yard. About 3 years ago she got knocked down in the yard from a tire bouncing down the hill. It came off a van that had just had 4 new tires put on. She broke two bones in her hand and screwed up her back and shoulder. She heard it coming, turned to look but it was too late....