Author Topic: Saw a nice buck in velvet Tuesday night  (Read 623 times)

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Offline gt2003

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Saw a nice buck in velvet Tuesday night
« on: July 05, 2007, 03:08:26 PM »
My wife and I were going to some friends house Tuesday night when we spotted a nice, young buck still in velvet.  I've been lurking around the site the last week or so but seeing this buck really got me enthused.  Hopefully I can get into the woods soon to get things going. 

Offline IL-Cornfed

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Re: Saw a nice buck in velvet Tuesday night
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2007, 05:56:33 AM »
Yes sir, we've been glassing some great bucks that are hitting the beans in the evening, although Friday we had atleast one buck stick around until morning light. They have generally cleared the fields the very first few minutes of good viewing light but Friday had a beautiful 150 class trophy whitetail feeding with 4 Does just 30 to 40 yards from the edge of the timber. This is certainly one of my favorite times of the year, when the mature bucks hit the beans and the alfalfa just before dark. One of the best investments I made for this seasonal activity is a 20-60x 78mm spotting scope with a window mount, I want to upgrade with a Digiscope so I can start getting some awesome distance shots with the Canon digi. 
An archer tries to see how far away he can get from his target and still connect, a "Bowhunter" tries to see how close he can get to his.

Offline beemanbeme

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Re: Saw a nice buck in velvet Tuesday night
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2007, 04:00:43 PM »
Okay, here's the question for you experts. Had 4 deer feeding in the front yard yesterday evening.  Three were clearly bucks.  Not monsters but it's still early in the year (fawn still got spots) and it was clear they were gonna be multi point bucks.  The fourth one was totally slick.  No buttons nor anything that I could see. It was the same size as the other deer.  I tried looking closely for a (censored word) or some gonads but the @#!!&%* wouldn't line up right. It's too early for bucks to be hanging with a doe or vice versa so what do you think?  A slick headed buck?  They left together.

Offline OR-E-Gun Bill

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Re: Saw a nice buck in velvet Tuesday night
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2007, 06:16:33 AM »
Okay, here's the question for you experts. Had 4 deer feeding in the front yard yesterday evening.  Three were clearly bucks.  Not monsters but it's still early in the year (fawn still got spots) and it was clear they were gonna be multi point bucks.  The fourth one was totally slick.  No buttons nor anything that I could see. It was the same size as the other deer.  I tried looking closely for a (censored word) or some gonads but the @#!!&%* wouldn't line up right. It's too early for bucks to be hanging with a doe or vice versa so what do you think?  A slick headed buck?  They left together.

I see bucks & does hanging together almost all the time where I live. Mating season seems to be the only time the bucks do their hiding game.
Blessed to live where I can watch them daily and take closeup pictures. Here's a pair of blacktail sneaking some wildbird food, 20 feet from my chair.
