Tweedle-dum vs. tweedle dee. Both are excellent. When considering iron sighted guns, the SBH is my favorite Ruger. I haven't been without at least one for 30 years, and don't ever plan to be.
However, since you are selecting between scoped ( or at least scope-ready) guns, I would select the SRH. The location of the rings on it moves the eyepiece a bit closer to the eye than it would be on a SBH Hunter, thereby slightly increasing the field of view, and for some, slightly improving the speed of scope acquisition. It also improves the balance somewhat for me. The SRH doesn't have the single-spring potential trigger problems that a Redhawk has, and it is easy to get a good trigger on one. Accuracy of both of mine (7.5 and 9.5) is excellent, and they're bull-strong.
Well, yeah, they're kinda ugly in the eyes of some, but they can be dressed up. Beauty is as beauty does....