Author Topic: 2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul  (Read 641 times)

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Offline Fazak

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2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul
« on: August 05, 2007, 04:35:50 PM »
Here's your candidate,.. hear him out.

Offline magooch

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Re: 2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2007, 04:27:19 AM »
No other candidate is as clear on RTBA as Dr. Paul, and on RtoLife, on banking, on taxes, on foreign policy, on borders, on immigration, etc, etc.  In fact, Americans aren't use to such plain speak.

BTW,,,we need paper ballots, say no to electronic balloting owned by foreign corporations.


Okay, Ron Paul looks like our guy, but he'll need about 535 clones to run for Congress.

About paper ballots: In my state, we, in fact use mail-in ballots.  I like it, but it isn't fool proof any more than any other method.  In our last statewide election, the Republican candidate for Governor had the lead and was all but declared the winner, but at the last minute, the Seattle (liberals) area just happened to find an extra bag of ballots and strangely, there were just enough votes in it to give the Dumbocratic the win. 

Offline nomosendero

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Re: 2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2007, 05:43:18 PM »
Thanks, Fazak for the info, good stuff.
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Offline Redhawk1

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Re: 2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2007, 01:24:20 AM »
He is right on with his opinion.
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Offline magooch

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Re: 2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2007, 04:04:03 AM »
Ron Paul might be right on some things, but I think he is dead wrong on the Iraq situation.  He claims that we have no business being there, because Congress didn't declare war and that we can just leave.  Well, that puts him right with Dennis Kucinich and that ain't where I want my candidate.

When Congress gives the President an overwhelming vote to take whatever action is necessary; that is as close to a declaration of war as it gets.  As far as just leaving Iraq and leaving it to the terrorists as a sanctuary and base; that is just what the Jihadists want.  I think that would be insane and would lead to certain negative consequences that would be far worse than anything we've seen yet.

I don't know what Dr. Paul's thoughts on Afghanistan are, but if they are as dismissive as his position on Iraq, he might as well move right in with the liberal surrender monkeys.

Offline Dee

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Re: 2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2007, 05:30:38 AM »
Obviously you are dismissing the FACT that Iraq has slipped into CIVIL WAR. THE "WORLD" KNOWS THIS, and it is on NATIONAL NEWS DAILEY. My son is in Baghdad with the 82n Air Borne, and he says the same thing. It is Iraqi killing Iraqi, for territory in country and city. This is his second tour in Iraq, and he has one in Afghanistan. He says that although Iraq and Afghanistan are different in many ways regarding attitude, that neither is interested in Democracy. They are interested in TURF.
It is truly amazing that some Americans are "hanging on" to the fight'em over there concept, when Afghanistan was the real center of terrorist training, and Hussain just quit playing ball with his sugar daddy the U.S. It is equally amazing that they support an idiot that claims he is ensuring our SAFETY when he OPENLY SUPPORTS OPEN BORDERS AND IGNORES THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ON THE ISSUE.
And congress went along to get along with lies and bad intel, and are NOW backing away, with republicans included. Over 71% of Americans, and almost all of the WORLD (including England whom is pulling out as we type) have finally had it dawn on them, that like Viet Nam, Iraq was a mistake.
We are no more able to stamp out Islam in Iraq, than we were Communism in VietNam, and that is what we are fighting in Iraq. Islam! When we finally had the good sense to get our troops out of a senseless war (VietNam)  in which 53,000 good Americans died for nought, the world did not end there. Nor would it in Iraq. It seems that some will not be satisfied until we reach our body count quota in Iraq, before they see what the rest of America and the world ALREADY SEES. ::)
I remember the days of the YELLOWDOG DEMOCRAT. They would vote for the "dog" if it was a democrat. Somethings NEVER change, and some people will stay on a ship that everyone else has realized, is sinking because of bad construction.
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Offline magooch

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Re: 2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2007, 03:47:53 AM »
Pulling out of Vietnam had some real dyer consequences for a couple of million South Vietnamese, but not so much for us; at least not at the time.  Prematurely pulling out of Iraq will encourage the Jihadist terrorists and it would be pure foolish to believe that we wouldn't suffer terrific consequences.

Anyone who thinks that we can withdraw from the world and reside in our land--protected by oceans-- is not living in the real world.  I don't think we should stay in Iraq one minute longer than a responsible government there wants us to and I don't think we should get in the way of a civil war.  If those folks want to kill each other off, they should be allowed to do so, but we should be there to make sure that Iran and al Qaeda aren't the beneficiaries.

I can't help but wonder what South Korea would be like today if we hadn't kept the North Koreans at bay and what kind of problems would Japan be causing us if we had left them to their own devices.

I don't like that we are spending our treasure and soldiers lives on Iraq and if I had my way, we would be doing it very differently, but the world wouldn't like it.  Whether we like it, or not, we still have to be at least a little bit politically correct.  Remember the U.N. had 17 resolutions calling for action against Iraq.  We just happened to be the ones who had the wherewithall to take the lead in getting it done.

Offline williamlayton

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Re: 2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2007, 06:38:32 AM »
Well, we cannot be isolationist---on that point we agree.
We are not the world police either.
I can't help but wonder if we would welcome the French in America to manage our internal disputes----and, we have a few.

Offline nomosendero

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Re: 2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2007, 04:13:21 PM »
Well, we cannot be isolationist---on that point we agree.
We are not the world police either.
I can't help but wonder if we would welcome the French in America to manage our internal disputes----and, we have a few.

The French would be afraid to show up, they are afraid in their own country.
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Offline Dee

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Re: 2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2007, 06:26:40 PM »
I cannot imagine why ANYONE cares or considers what the UN thinks about anything. Over 2/3rds of the countries that are members are dictatorships. They ALWAYS vote AGAINST the U.S.

As far as that RESPONSIBLE government in Iraq. ::) Everyone is still waiting on that one.

Civil war. Let them kill each other, and we should be there to make sure Iran and Al Qaeda doesn't interfere. ::) That makes a hell of a lotta sense. Our soldiers now are going to REFEREE as civil war, and get killed while doing it? ::)
Good Grief! ::)

Korea. We lost that one remember?

Vietnam. They are far better off now than when we were over there bombing the hell out of em, because we didn't want them to be communists. We're tradin with em now.

We haven't won a war since WWII, because of political correctness, and as W/L says we are not the world's police officer either.

You would deal with the war in Iraq differently but the world wouldn't like it. They don't like it NOW. That's why MOST of it (the world) is against us.

I find most of the dwindling support for the war to be from the ones not having to fight it.
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Offline Mauser

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Re: 2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2007, 11:35:09 AM »
He'll have my vote in the Primary.  He is the only candidate among the Republicans (as for the Dems, who cares?) who I think actually believes what he says and will at least try to get those things done.  I'll vote for whoever gets the Republican nomination (except if its McCain in which case I'll vote 3rd party).

Offline dodd3

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Re: 2nd Amendment video, Ron Paul
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2007, 10:28:44 PM »
he sure did turn that lady around we need polys like him here in oz,i hope he wins.
bernie  :)
if its feral its in peril