Author Topic: rejoins the battle  (Read 509 times)

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Offline Bret4207

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« on: August 16, 2007, 09:08:49 AM »
Getting our second wind

Sometimes reality hits you in the face with surprising force. When we started this venture I had no idea how frustrating it would become. Call it apathy, ego, fear of something new or blame it on my poor communication skills. For whatever reason I've had to step back, take a breath and re-evaluate how we're going about our quest to gain co-operation among the firearms related forums.

The gun control fight is an ongoing struggle against well funded and mostly well intentioned groups with professional staff and resources. Some are backed by billionaire types like George Soros and other like minded anti-gunners. We're a bit different here. This is a grassroots effort, has no budget and is dependent on volunteer participation from interested parties. Gauging what effect our initial campaign on HR1022 had has been very hard. There's no way to tell how many people responded to the requests for action beyond the hits at this site. Some of the websites I visited initially refused to allow me to make posts regarding the campaign. Since then some have relented and are allowing posts, other refuse any political posts at all. Hopefully, as this effort grows, long time members of those sites will be able to talk the owners into agreeing to act on this idea.

Our next step is to rejoin the fight as Congress returns to Washington. We plan to address multiple pieces of legislation over the next few weeks. However, without very active participation by our members and visitors here, we won't have nearly the effect we could have. So I'm asking you to spread the word as the next campaign starts. The recent proposed OSHA ruling regarding small arms ammunition shows us again how effective we are when we make a coordinated effort to fight poor law. Lets build on that. Remind your friends of the effect we had on Jim Zumbo, of the OSHA ruling, of what we can do together to secure a basic right guaranteed in our Constitution.

We have plans in the works for more visible action. Your participation is vital. I'll admit I felt as though I was getting nowhere at times, but we can't loose this fight. Help us help you to win this long battle. People fought and died to give us this right, and to build this Nation. Lets not let their sacrifice be in vain.
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Offline DWTim

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Re: rejoins the battle
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2007, 05:48:24 PM »
Just noticed. There is no index page set, and we can all see the directory tree in the raw.

Here are some links for the folks:

Also: I'm sending you a PM

Offline Bret4207

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Re: rejoins the battle
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2007, 02:55:33 AM »
Sorry about that. Apparently our server needed updating. I'm told all is well now.