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foul out ?
« on: June 04, 2003, 04:05:51 PM »
:grin:  has any body used foul out, the one you put a plug in the barrel and fill with a solution and let it sit, does this work? who uses what to clean there barrels, butchers shooter choice hoppes , how about that bore snake the one with phosphor-bronze bristles(what does that mean), what type of rods?? :?  :?
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Offline gunnut69

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foul out ?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2003, 08:58:52 PM »
I use one piece stainless steel rods, not coated. The coated rods all advertise they won't embed but I know for a fact the polished stainless rods won't. I use only bronze brushes and prefer those that have bronze wire holding the bristles. I use ShootersChoice for regular cleaning and Sweets 7.62 if I wan the jacket foulging out. For a deep claen I use the FoulOut. It works but is a bit slow for regular use..  I liked the BoreSnake convenience but had a benchrester say that unless you washed it every pass thru the barrel you were putting a dirty patch back into the bore!  Hadn't thought of it that way before. Now I use just patches and a jag. The brush it reserved for a thorough cleaning. Clean no more than is needed! I lubricate with LSA(military oil), Kroil, ATF, almost any synthetic oil marked for use with fine mechaisms. DO NOT USE 3-in-1!! or most non-synthetics. They dry to a gummy residue and are guarateed to gum up the works. If not going to use for a longish time I use 'RustPreventIt' on the outside and RIG grease on the bore.. Be sure to patch it clean before use, although the spray on RustPreventIt can be left in place... When doing a tear down clean I use mineral spirits and ATF in a parts tank and spray cans of Carberator cleaner(cheapest available at WalMart) on the small mechanisms. Be sure to oil after the carb cleaner as the totally bare metal WILL rust quickly!! Phospor bronze is just an alloy like regular bronze that retains it hardness a bit better than regular bronze.
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foul out ?
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2003, 05:08:21 AM »
Foul out works great, for lead and copper. You will actually see the pattern of fouling on the rod when you pull it out of the bore. Just make sure you get all the oil out first with something that doesnt leave residue. Ive found rubbing alcohol works well.
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foul out ?
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2003, 04:11:26 PM »
I have a Foul Out II. It works fine but it is slow. Mostly I use a mixture of Kroil and Shooters Choice. For removing copper fouling I like Sweets and JB Bore Cleaner. I haven't decided which I like the best yet.