I am not into buying expensive bullets so for whitetail out to 150 yards I shoot a a regular Spreer Gold Dot - .452 - 250 grain bonded HP. I use 100 grains of T7-2f in the Omega and 110 grains in the White and Remingtons... Put the Gold Dot in an MMP HPH-24 sabot or if that is to tight to go down your barrel sub in a MMP HPH-3p-EZ load sabot. I shoot Remington 209-4 primers but they are no longer available. I was able to buy a big batch of Winchester Triple 7 primers from Wal-Mart for $2 a box, they work real well also. Another alternative is regular Winchester 209's. If you really want a really reliable and clean ignition system, get a 25 ACP system from PR Bullets... This system really keeps things clean.
Good lick with your new barrel....