The Night Force scope on my Weatherby went to scattering shots all over at fifty yards, clean off the paper at 100 so it's going back to Night Force. That means I will be carrying my old Handi in 30-06 for Moose and Grizzly again this year. My son is carring my TCR so that leaves me with the Handi. Darn, I'll have to hold my shots to under 300 yards now. Did work up a new load, using 180gr Nosler Ballistic tips, and Partitions. Sighted in today for 200 yards, with a 3" group.
Also: Got tired of the rust coming back with the high humidity we are now having. Followed Partsman's example. Textured Rustolium on all the metal, and plastic. Then found Rustolium Accents, with rock texture and used it on the wood. The rock texture was a little rough, but the directions said if it was going to be exposed to moisture to give it a coat of clear coat sealer. I put three coats of the clear matt finish sealer, that softened the texture up and made it look and feel real good. If I could figure out how to make the pictures smaller I would post a picture of it. Today at the range several people came up wanting to know what I had done to it and how I got that look. The barrel, and action is a non-reflective green. The stock and forearm are Black with white specks. I'll let you know how this finish holds up. Rog