Heres one 10.2gr Universal Clays and a hardcast 240gr swc. This shoots well in my Rugers and I'd guess its going around 1150-1200fps. I dont really have favorite loads I just use whatever I have on hand. I've tried the whole technical reloading thing but found it to be a waste of time. I can have a load that shoots one hole and it'll shoot like crap the next day if I dont feel good or the suns in my eyes. At the same time I'll have what I believe to be a terrible load and it will shoot great a month later. Testing from the bench is pointless for me also since I can only hold a six inch group at 25yards so whats a quarter inch better going to do? There really arent many bad loads out there and in my experience the best and worst are usually less than an inch apart. And besides are you not going to go hunting if you dont have youre favorite load?
I feel the same way. For the ranges that I shoot revolvers 25 to 50 yards, maybe a bit more, most loads work. If my eyes were better and my nerves steadier it may make a difference. Now with rifles, that is a different story. With the greater distances loads matter more. Ditto with a muzzle loader.