When loading factory brass with standard FL dies you are usually over
working the the necks making them hard and brittle. Resulting in shorter case life and various neck tensions, which is not at all accuracy enhancing.
Consider the following 257 Roberts Handi or any other 25 cal. By taking measurements any other cartridge can be used.
Fired neck diameter 0.292
Sized neck diameter 0.2805"
Neck wall ave. 0.0165"
Inside diameter after sizing is 0.2805 minus 2x 0.0165 or 0.033" = 0.2475"
Expander button on die is 0.2555".
Here is what happens. You first size the case neck down from .292 to 0.2805
or 0.0115".
Next you expand the neck from 0.2475 inside to 0.2555" or 0.008".
The outside is now 0.2555 or a bit more because of spring back plus neck wall 0.033 =0.288".
It is not unusual to stretch the case when pulling the expander button out,
expanding 0.008 or more destroying tuned head space.
Here is what I do to get less brass working and good concenric necks.
I outside neckturn the necks to 0.013 this allows for 0.0002 stress relax.
So this is what you end up with. 0.2805" less 2x 0.013 or 0.026" = 0.2545"
The expander ball is now redundant. For more or less neck tension adjust the
neck wall thickness. 0.0025" neck tension has worked well for me on all
hunting ammo with moly plated bullets.. 0.00012" on target and BR ammo.
You need the following tools using a FL die or a neck sizing die without the expander ball and decapping pin. This works nearly as well as a bushing die.
Loaded ammo is 0.283" resulting in 0.0045 radial clearance which is more
than you need but not too bad if the neck is concentric. A tighter chamber
neck would be better, like 0.281" on my 25 Hunter with 0.001" radial
clearance and a 0.011 neck wall.
A universal decapping die
Outside neck turner ( K&M is what I use)
Tubing mic to measure 1/10000"
1" Mic to 1/1000
Case trimmer (All cases must be trimmed to 0.0005" tolerance, lest you cut into
the shoulder.)
6" caliber 1/5000