Ladobe: so, were I wanting to pick up a pre-fire Contender frame, what serial number would I look for?
Also, how is the trigger group in the G2 politically correct?
I'm a newbie with TCs, although I've wanted one for 20 years, and just never had the $$ or time until now.
Rob -
The blue EO Contender frames started around serial number 195,000, and all stainless "C" frames are EO. Easiest way to tell the so called prefire EO frames is that they had the deep relief full body cougar on the side plates (both blue and stainless), and ran until their in stock inventory of them ran out shortly after the fire. They didn't retool back to their traditional frame after the fire, so the last of the EO frames, both blue and stainless, have an etched cougar head only on the sides that look like a 6 year old did them (to my eye). Also, one of TC's better ideas that really wasn't a better idea was on the last frames, and was a lower breech black piece that was spot welded to the main breech block. The idea was that if/when this area got worn out from the barrels lug bolts, it could be replaced. Sounded good on paper, but with their even poorer (after the fire) quality control, they let way too many of them out the door either not welded, or welded mis-aligned. I did battle personally with TP and KF over this (a new one of mine was not welded) at the 2K SHOT Show, then continued to fight TP over mine for the next 3 1/2 months until they finally fixed it and sent it back. When they dropped the "C" frame altogether, that solved that mess.
Les pretty well hit the trigger thing - TC wanted to make the G2's like the Encore, a heavier and safer trigger right out of the box, and supposedly not as easy to alter. I had one of the first Encores shipped, and a little magic by my pard Fred at Bullberry had mine crisp and clean and 8 ounces. So much for their politically correct triggers. I expect the same can be done to a G2's trigger.
Welcome to the world of TC's. With over 33 years of them behind me, I can assure you it is a disease. For a new gent just starting out, my advice is to try to find a pristine prefire EO frame and have one of the custom barrel makers build you a tube for it (I prefer Bullberry and SSK myself). Oh yeah, and kiss the wife and kids now, cause once your bitten, you won't be seeing much of them anymore. :wink: BTW, there is a heck of a lot of very "TC" knowledgeable people that run this forum and I am sure any of them would be glad to help with any questions along the way.