I have 4 days to come to a decision on which caliber to use for opening day in Pa for deer. I've been loading and testing all summer for this, now I don't know which way to go...Here are my options :
A : 12" Encore in 460 S&W Mag with 240 gr Xtps with 47 gr of W 296
B : 12" Encore in 44 Mag with 240 XTP with 24 gr of W 296
C : 10" Contender in 357 Max with 180 XTPs also with 296 ( forgot the exact load ) at about 1800 FPS
All barrels are shot in , and will do the job , at least in the accuracy department . I'll be hunting in extremely brushy conditions , from a ground blind, shots will be anywhere from 20 yards to a max of 75 yards...can't see any further than that. The 357 Max and 460 barrels are both wearing 2X scopes, the 44 barrel has a red dot on it. My first thought is a bigger , heavier bullet ought to cut the brush better than a smaller , faster bullet......... ?? any thoughts on this ?? Both the 44 and 460 have prior kills, the 357 barrel is the new comer this summer....I'm tempted to try it out , but don't want to lose any advantage the big bores would give me.....there's a huge buck or two running in the brush where I'm going to be at ....Would like to hear your thoughts ...Thanks , Irold