thats the palce i was told the moose was seen a number of times. it was seen hanging around by the dumpster at what used to be the old crystal spirings resort. do you know earl lordy ? he has the nice ranch home with the huge eagle painted on the gable end facing hwy f. earl says hes seen moose a number of time over the years there. i know a few of the people that own cabins they bought from earl years ago. earl not only told me but also the other folks there.
me i never saw one. i did along with about 10 other people run across an elk over by cable wis while snowmobiling. yes an elk ! i kid you not an elk. i think it was a planted by the dnr or something to see how they would do. this was about 3 years ago. it was a spike elk no big rack.
i quess i was woundering if the dnr was messing with the idea of bringing moose back like they did with elk in Penn. we now have enough elk that there is a lottery drawing for elk tags.