According to the Wildlife officer, the offender readily admitted to the gun being loaded with smokeless powder when questioned. The weapon was siezed for evidence, as at that time it was an illegal firearm as defined by state atatutes. Propably returned after court/fine paid or judicated. I have been stopped and checked by wildilfe officers at Avon Park, Steinhatchee, and Hillsborough WMAs checking my license, weapon, and entry permit. Cursory glance at weapon since I hunt with sidelock. I have also talked to other hunters that have been stopped and checked at Green Swamp. Maybe they just work areas that have had violations in the past. I questioned the wildlife officer at length concerning the statute and the lack of knowledge of the law, he said they will be publishing more information about the statute,,,and yes,,,I think most wildlife officers are aware of which guns can shoot smokeless. If the offender would have answered that he was aware of the statute and the gun was NOT loaded with smokeless regardless of what was in it, I don't think he would have been fined!