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Offline Masterblaster1

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Bullet question
« on: November 09, 2007, 04:30:05 PM »
I just got a steal on a used large frame 45 colt ruger vaquero 4 5/8'' bbl, $125 cash because the trigger guard needs some work. The gun has been shot very little. So today I go out and shoot the 200grn HP at 1100 fps load from cor-bon. I dug the bullets out of the backstop which is light plywood box filled with sand, the hollow points filled up and i got no expansion, penetration was excellent. So I decided to try on a different test medium. I lined up 4 gallon jugs filled with water and fired. again great penetration but the copper jacket seperated/ disintigrated and only the lead core made it to the 4th jug. All shooting was done at 25 yards. So this brings me to my question do you think this load would be good for deer or not? With the varied results I am unsure of how they will perform on soft tissue, any suggestions? Also shot the 260 grain buffalo bores, they shoot good but have an obscene amount of recoil! :o

Offline corbanzo

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Re: Bullet question
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2007, 05:17:34 PM »
Those traditional JHP seem to just flatten a little... I would think of them for protection more...  Maybe try the corbon hunters if you are looking for a hollow point for hunting... or just a good cast bullet.
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Offline Ak.Hiker

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Re: Bullet question
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2007, 05:46:59 PM »
I bet the CorBon 200 grain 45 Colt+P loads will work just fine on deer. You also may want to take a look at their 225 grain DPX load with the Barnes X bullet.

Offline kennisondan

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Re: Bullet question
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2007, 06:13:49 PM »
When I shot that round in a blackhawk conversion, it was fine for recoil and I would not hesitate to drop a deer with it, if it fails to open, then fine I am also happy with a cast that does not expand. If it expands on a whitetail, after going into the vitals it cannot be all bad. That did not sound like a bullet failure that would cost you your deer with good placement, and that is the requirement regardless.  the jacket separated by the fourth gallon ; that is a lot of lung and heart destruction and a likely exit hole.. I think it would be fine .. but there are more knowlegeable hunters here than me.
Just my two cents, but I would use that round in my blackhawk for deer in a minute... have not yet though...
My opinion on this is free.  lol

Offline Ken ONeill

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Re: Bullet question
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2007, 09:05:54 PM »
Assuming proper bullet placement in the heart / lungs, that load will work fine at ranges up to perhaps 75 yds.

Offline 44 Man

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Re: Bullet question
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2007, 04:58:36 AM »
I agree.  That 200 gr hp load will be fine for whitetail deer.  That jacket and core separation would just shred a deer lungs.  They my run 50 yds after being hit but they will be dead on their feet.  44 Man
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