This constant drizzling rain is starting to get old and bum me out. I plan to start after coon on the 20th for a hard 5 day run. If it keeps up like this I'm going to be doing way more walking than I want to. Wet fields mean farmers don't want me driving some places, it also mean not as much corn off. Some places are just to wet to drive, not to mention dealing with big fat mud ball coon. I plan to trap hard for those 5 days then my brother is coming to town to duck hunts for couple days. Stays this wet I might have to just leave the traps hang and stay in the duck marsh when he leaves. We never dried out after the 16 inch rain, flood in August. Since it just drizzles on enough to keep a constant muck going. The river for some reason is at spring levels even though the rain hasn't been as much north of here.
It's Just kinda startin to get old and me P.Oed.
"Never Forget Which Way Is Up!"