Situations like this is exactly why the League of Nations was a complete failure before WW2..and why the United Nations is a complete failure now..
Just imagine if that Iranian nutcase gives nuclear weapons to terrorists, and they pop off a few here !
Before WW2, most members of the League of Nations were content to sit on their hands and pretend that Neville Chamberlain's piece of paper guaranteed
"peace for our time" with the Nazis.
Today, much of "old Europe" has been Socialist for so long that they are complacent to the threat of war or eventual slavery . Eastern Europe, so recently released from Marxist slavery, has a clearer picture and that is why they want our missle defenses based there..
Sometimes I think we, North America ought to build defenses like no one has ever seen and let old Europe take care of their own problems.. now, with our American universities help, so many Americans are so steeped in Marxism..they wouldn't stand for such acts of self-defense. The liberals like
M.A.D. (mutually assured destruction)..a stupid stance to play with terrorists that recognize no state..
Imagine where we will be if America's #1 Marxist is elected president !