I looked up the heighth of the gold bead that is with the express sight and it is 430... I am cranked down as low with the rear sight as it can just about go... the loads I am shooting will likely not go much lighter but could speed up eventually ( 9.8 of unique ) in light of the fact that I may go faster bullets than now..... should I get a diiferent sight height for a replacement... I willl definitely want a screw adjustable rear sooner or later and the only ones listed on FA are the premiers... the sillouett and the target sights are not reccommended for the 4 3/4" barrell...
I am just concerned that when I crank it up more ( later,) I will be shooting too low to deal with... so what should I do ? as stated I will not go lower speed than at present, and when I was shooting slower, it was not much different, but I think that faster bullets will shoot lower yet ?? then how much higher a front sight should I go... what heights should I get... I am possibly ordering one from KOneill or from FA ( a square front... ) cause I just cannot wait for clements or bowen -- I am assuming they have a wait for that as well.