ID have to say ive done something almost like that and im still kicking my self in the arse for it and im sure ill also get a big DEE DA Dee from all of you. a few years ago i inherited a few rifles from my uncle and my brother and i were gonna go hunting with them well in the middle of moving and such one of the magazines went missing and since my brother was only gonna hunt 1 day i was going to give him the one with the missing mag well he went and cried a fit to my parents and i ended up giving him the other one, well before all this i had put a new scope on the gun i was gonna use and i had it all sighted in and at the last minute i had to change scopes both rifles were the same make and model ,both were 30-06's and we were shooting the same ammo and both had the same ring height everything was identical, so stupid me, took it out the next day without which happened to be the first day of the PA rifle season without checking the zero and missed the biggest buck that i personally have ever seen in the wild not once but twice, so i went to my uncles to shoot the rifle right away and come to find out my gun was shooting 8 inchs high at 100 yards. I learned a very valuble lesson that year, so i never go hunting any more with out checking the zero on my rifle