They're like locust. You don't want them. Trust me on this. Go where they are but don't wish them (or move them to) where they are not.
They are omnivores. They will eat deer fawns, chickens, snakes, dogs, cats, turkeys, quail, fertilized plants, unfertilized plants, grubs, worms, coons, dirt, and other biological matter of like import. In foraging for food they will uproot everything indiscriminately. There will be holes you will not want to operate your tractor near and much less through. Fields planted will be devastated. Once in a place they will never be eradicated. They have no natural predator except man and we can't get ahead of their reproduction. They are known to carry a host of diseases transmittable to man. Ticks love them and they spread ticks. Their eyes do not glow in the headlight of flashlight, cars and trucks. They generally run away, sometimes even to die, following a collision with an automobile that usually goes poorly for the human occupant both physically and financially. These are only a few of the issues that you don't want if you own land where they currently are not.
I would prefer to NOT have hogs in the Dismal Swamp of the St. Johns River. Trouble is, they've been here since the 1400's. They're not going anywhere. Come on down. You can shoot all of 'em you want.