Author Topic: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester  (Read 1626 times)

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model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« on: October 12, 2007, 10:55:04 PM »

I picked up my new 270 Remington yesterday and am very pleased with it so far...I traded a Weatherby Sub MOA 30-06 for this rifle..because of some problems I was having with it...and not having the time to ship it back to Weatherby for repair...The new X Mark Pro trigger is extremely easy to adjust to a fine creep free no over travel 2lb. trigger if you like and what I did...The SPS stock...while not as strong as a HS Precision stock is still pretty nice and is mated up nicely on mine...The only barrel contact is at the 2 small pressure points out at the tip of the stock...and looks like it would be real easy to pillar bed this one if needed...I'm not in love with the matt finish on this rifle..but it is well applied and very even coverage on the entire rifle...It should hold up rather well...The R3 recoil pad is fitted well...with no viable gaps...bolt travel is very smooth with no binding any where along it's path...They claim this rifle weighs 7-3/8 lbs. but to me it feels much lighter than that...I am guessing but if it weighs 8lbs with scope & shells I will be real surprised...My wife thinks she will like to shoot this it looks like I'll have to pick up some managed recoil ammo for her to try...Me thinks I'll be getting another one of these to make into a 338 Win Mag when she takes this one over...

If I weren't scouting today for my sons upcoming Youth deer hunt...I would be shooting it and reporting on it with 4 different factory loads...but...that will have to wait till next week...

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2007, 11:42:28 PM »
Great rifle, I have one that will be going into it's second season next month. I love it. I gather from your post that you've not been out to shoot it... If it shoots anything like mine, you won't have to worry about bedding. I did epoxy mine, but the results weren't significant. Mine LOVES Hornady's 140 gr. btsp "light mag" load, although I guess from the pic you'll be shooting hand loads soon enough. I don't yet reload... expect an MOA shooter once you've got 'er "broke in" probably better with good hand loads. Enjoy! I know I do.

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2007, 04:50:26 AM »
Boy Mac you went and did it now. ;D If it shoots as well as mine you have a real tack driver there. ;) Please let us know how it shoots next weekend. Is that Leopold scope a 3x9 ? Dale
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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2007, 09:01:50 AM »
I know that Dale has the Varmint version (heavy barrel). I am very curious how the regular version shoots. I have been thinking of a 243, but want to stay away from the heavier barrel if possible. I already have plenty of heavy varmint rifles. I guess there is always room for one more, though.
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Offline Mac11700

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2007, 11:00:00 AM »

Dale...It's a VX-1 4x12x40..

I looked at just about all of the new Remmy's...and really liked these...heck for the money...and the rebate on's a real good buy...I kicked around the idea of the Varmint...but couldn't get it in 308 very easily...and would have had to wait till the distributors got them in here...Almost got it in 7mm mag...but decided to wait till next season and see if my wife decides if she is going to claim it or not...since I really want a 338 Win MAG built up on one...I'm all set up for 270 any ways for now...and am hoping it's a tack driver...I'll be shooting next week along with mu Muzzle loader at the range...I'll post some pics when I do...

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Offline LaOtto222

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2007, 11:50:22 PM »
Mac - I am looking forward to the range report
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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2007, 10:27:25 AM »
Mac I was wondering with all the good things I have had to say about the SPS if that influenced your decision to buy this one?  Dale
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Offline Mac11700

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2007, 09:33:30 PM »

Yes and no...but mainly no...I have looked at them in the past...but never really really  close...and when my Weatherby developed some problems...I decided to really look hard at a bunch of different makes and calibers..I had wanted to find a vintage ADL like nomosendaro got a hold of recently...mainly because of the 700's magazine length and what I could re barrel it too if I needed or wanted to......and because they were known for their accuracy ...His proved me correct on that account...which really lit the fire under me to find one...I found a few...but...none to my liking...I was also on the hunt for a Winchester like I had to give up because of my first wife...and when I couldn't find a decent price Winchester model 70 Westerner either...which I would have really liked to stumble onto...well...Then I figured to start handling the new versions of Remington's.......On here...I did see where you were asking about adjusting the new triggers...and did look at your groups...which were excellent BTW...That's when I really started researching this new X Mark Pro trigger to find out more about it...I knew about it...but I didn't really "know" anything about it yet...and I like to know about things...ya know... :D :D So...I started calling around to several friends and associates getting their take on it...Then I talked to a few folks at Remington about figured I would have to give it a try...I tossed the idea around about the varmint...and even considered it...along with both magnums and the Buck master's that are offered...but didn't really want another I knew I would be sending it out right away to be re that wasn't going to do me any good.....and then I couldn't get a 308 Varmint easily right away my next choice...Then I figured why spend extra money on a camouflaged stock that isn't the greatest looking anyways...and I really didn't want a belted mag in either 7mm mag or 300 Win Mag...What I really want is a 26" cut rifled 338 Win Mag...(hence the magazines length importance ) I found out for sure it was this years production with the new trigger group as all of this years SPS rifles have on them  ...and it's a caliber I already am well familiar with...I went ahead and kept it... :D  My lovely wife is also glad I did...  :'( :'(

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2007, 11:50:46 AM »

it looks like you picked up a great piece!    i looked at those SPS' a number of weeks ago and really liked what i saw.    if the trigger is tuned it should be a 'hammer'.   

great purchase, Mac'   let us know how she shoots.

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Offline Mac11700

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2007, 12:06:46 PM »


Thanks...and I will...Lord Willing and if the creek don't rise tomorrow  :D

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2007, 04:16:33 PM »
I bought the SPS in 7-08 last year. The accuracy is incredible even using the cheaper rem greenies. mounted a nikon monarch 2x7. Took a deer at around 100 yds-hit it exactly where I aimed and it dropped like a rock.
good luck with yours.

Offline Mac11700

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2007, 03:19:16 PM »

It's a keeper for sure...I shot a bunch of factory ammo today...5 different kinds...All of it shot great except for the 130 gr. Remington core locks...All would shot 3 into 1 hole with 5 coming in under 1" at 100...but moving out to 200 & 300 sure showed not all was as equal...especially with wind being a steady 20mph and gust up to 40 mph...The clear winner for me...130 grain Federal Power $9.87 a box...It shot these right at 1" at 200 yards...and about 1.5" at 300...I'll post some pics later on...Too tired and I gotta get up real early to go scouting...

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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2007, 05:56:05 PM »
Thanks Mac for your report. I have been hanging on your threads for a week. I really wanted yours to be a shooter. I know mine is!!!!!!! I hope you and others will give some respect for the SPS!!!!!!I think Remington has come up with a 700 model that everyone cane afford. Dale
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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2007, 06:08:25 PM »

It's a keeper for sure...I shot a bunch of factory ammo today...5 different kinds...All of it shot great except for the 130 gr. Remington core locks...All would shot 3 into 1 hole with 5 coming in under 1" at 100...but moving out to 200 & 300 sure showed not all was as equal...especially with wind being a steady 20mph and gust up to 40 mph...The clear winner for me...130 grain Federal Power $9.87 a box...It shot these right at 1" at 200 yards...and about 1.5" at 300...I'll post some pics later on...Too tired and I gotta get up real early to go scouting...

Mac if you are shooting 1 1/2'' at 300 yards with these type of winds your rifle could easily shoot as good as mine at that range. Good for you!!!!!!!!!! It will only get better when you break it in. Boy I hope more people would buy the SPS. I do not think for the money they can go wrong.   Dale
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Offline Mac11700

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2007, 07:23:54 AM »
Thanks Mac for your report. I have been hanging on your threads for a week. I really wanted yours to be a shooter. I know mine is!!!!!!! I hope you and others will give some respect for the SPS!!!!!!I think Remington has come up with a 700 model that everyone cane afford. Dale

I've never really showed any Remington firearm any disrespect Dale...I've owned a bunch of them...and still own a few...The finish isn't my favorite...but it is extremely even all over it...

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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2007, 07:32:45 AM »
I am sorry Mac. I did not mean to put it that way. I know you have never shown any disrespect. Dale
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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2007, 08:01:36 AM »
Very nice, Mac!! ;)

thx for sharing,

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Offline Mac11700

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2007, 07:10:42 AM »

Thanks Guys...I finally got around to putting the calipers to the groups...My 300 yard groups is 2.148"...not 1.5" bad...I was just eyeballing it on the paper...but still all things considered not to shabby for $10.00 a box ammo...Here's some of the groups..

First up is my 100 yard target with all of the various ammo shot on it...All were 130 loads...Federal Classic...Federal Power Shok's..Winchester Power Points..Remington Core Locks..and Speer's 130 Grand Slam's...

That picture is a little busy so I'll show you the groups close up...

Here;s the Power Shok's..

Here's the Win Power Points

Here's the Grand Slams

Here's the Rem Core Locks

And the Federal Classics..These were the ones I was breaking in with and cleaning after each shot..I had 6 left out of 45...and shot 2 at each yardage for groups...They did good at 100 yards...putting 2 as close as they did...but couldn't hit the paper at 200 yards or 300 yards

The Remington's was all over the place in the wind...and wouldn't group good even at 100 yards...I do believe it is a bad lot of was the only ammo I felt absolutely no resistance on closing the bolt on...maybe a head space issue with it...I'll try it in my other 270 and see how it does...I didn't even try it at 200 or 300 yards

The Speer Grand Slams did real good at 100 yards with a little over 1/2" groups consistently and I was hopeful it was going to do better...but opened up to 1.873" at 200...and I couldn't keep 3 on the paper at 300 yards...The Remington ammo I didn't even bother with beyond 100..2 groups with it...the first put 2 on the paper...and 1 about 4" to the right...

The second group was after I had adjusted the scope for the Speers...It managed at 4" group this time around...

Not very promising at all...

The Power Shok's won the day...the 200 yard group was very good...coming in at 1.313" at 200...and I know I could have done better at 300 yards since I pulled my last shot which was the highest shot on the target...I was rushing it...and shouldn't have let the trigger break...Such is the way of it...Here's the 200 yard target with the Federal Power Shoks..

This is the 300 yard target..

and this is the 200 yard target with the Speers...

I am looking forward to breaking it in more and doing some handloading for it...I have about 3 other factory loads to shoot out of it...but as it is...I put 125 rounds thru it on this initial break in...It has great potential right now and will do what I need it to do this deer season...

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2007, 08:21:23 AM »
Impressive for inexpensive ammo, just think what it'll do with handloads!! :D

Nice shooting, thanks! ;)

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2007, 02:29:07 PM »
Very good Mac!! This is why my safe keeps accumulating Model 700's, they just work!! I returned from WY. a week & a half ago & then the AR. MZ. started last weekend & ended yesterday. So, I have made a few posts lately, but have been too lazy to start a looong thread about the Antelope & the used 270 ADL I bought. I will sometime this week or next.

Looks like you have a shooter & I am most fortunate as well.

Like Tim said, it will be interesting with reloads tailored to that gun.
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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2007, 02:49:01 AM »

Thanks Rod..

It will be fun...and I wish I had time before this deer season...but there is just too much to do and too little time to do it in...We will after season when it isn't so crazy around here and at work..

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Re: model 700 SPS 270 Winchester
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2007, 04:34:52 PM »
If is says M 700 it has to be good. I am slowly getting a closet full of em. My latest find is a 221 fireball classic. Yours looks good. I don't see a thing wrong with a SPS or a ADL. I have two of em.
from Tennessee---Paul