Some friends live in a neighborhood that is pretty developed and they don't feel like using a gun is a viable option. They would like to go walking in the neighborhood after the husband gets home from work, which is usually after dark. A bear is coming into the neighborhood at night and is pulling up slotted drain pipe that carries rainwater away from the houses. Apparently grubs congregate around the pipe. One man has had his lawn torn up six times. When I last went to Raleigh, NC, I stopped in a very well-stocked gunshop, Davi's, and checked on what kind of spray they had. The most potent thing was something that the NYPD used. However, it was only about 2% pepper spray, and had a lot of CS in it. I recall that CS is not effective on dogs, as it requires tears to dissolve, and dogs do not produce tears. I asked the salesman if bears cry. You should have seen his face. It must have been the first time that day that he had to deal with that question. I used to work in Lynchburg, Virginia, and Petrey's Hardware carried bear spray, as it was not unusual for bears to come through town. There were fifteen percent and twenty percent canisters of pepper spray and they were not the size of young fire extinguishers. I would like to find my friends something similar, but have not been back to Lynchburg for several years.