Author Topic: 470NITROEXPRESS A few questions  (Read 416 times)

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Offline MePlat

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470NITROEXPRESS A few questions
« on: June 22, 2003, 03:23:47 AM »
I have a few questions about your 470.  
What is it's weight?
Have you reloaded for it?
What do you think it will do keeping in consideration the large head diameter and the need to keep perssures on the low side to keep backthrust within limits for the Encore?
Do you have a pic of you firing it?
Did you consider the 458 Win Mag?
What is the twist rate?
Thanks for you time.  I may have more questions later if its ok.
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Offline 470NitroExpress

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470NITROEXPRESS A few questions
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2003, 08:43:30 AM »

What is it's weight?

I don't know how much it weighs. I'm taking it in to work on tuesday so some of the guys can shoot it and I will try to get it weighed.

Have you reloaded for it?

Yes, I reload for it. A box of factory Federal ammo is $220 for a box of 20, so I would go broke real quick if I didn't reload. I have a friend that gets me once fired brass, so my main cost if powder (110 gr H4831) and bullets (around $1.00 per bullet Barnes XLC's).

What do you think it will do keeping in consideration the large head diameter and the need to keep perssures on the low side to keep backthrust within limits for the Encore?

I'm not sure exactly what you are asking here. You have to remember that the 470NE is a low pressure cartridge (33,000 psi for the load I'm using). As far as backthrust goes, I'm sure that the larger casehead will distribute the force over a larger area. Maybe someone on this forum with better knowledge on this can chime in here?.

Do you have a pic of you firing it?

No, not yet. Maybe when I take it to the range later this week.

Did you consider the 458 Win Mag?

NO. It is too common of a caliber. I wanted something different when I got this barrel. Plus, everyone that I talked to said it couldn't be done,the gun would knock me out/kill me etc. etc. The only people that said go for it ,was Virgin Valley and my friend who cut the chamber for me.
The 470NE does not really make sense in a barrel this short ( same with any other large magnum rifle cartridge), I get a lot of unburned powder. But I wanted it, I paid for it and I like to shoot it, so there :lol: .

What is the twist rate?

I should know this, but I forgot. I'll try to find out.

Thanks for you time. I may have more questions later if its ok.

Ask Away 8)

Offline MePlat

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470NITROEXPRESS A few questions
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2003, 09:54:34 AM »
470NitroExpress:  I have shot 500 gr bullets from my 458 Win Mag at close to 2000 fps.   Recoil is heavy but not bad at all.  My 45/70 with a 550 at 1450 is much worse as far as felt recoil.
Try to get a good pic of that cannon being fired and get it's weight.  
I shoot mine offhand probably 98 percent of the time.
Good to talk with someone that has an interest in powerhouses.
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