We had the Flying Lead Rendezvoux last weekend in lower Washington State and Ben Price toyally amazed us with his set-up for coooking. He uses Kingsford charcoal, and uses a little perforated can to light it evenly. For fire starter, he takes egg cartons and stuffs the holes with dryer lint, then pours melted wax into them. He breaks off one 'EGG' and lights it under the coal. I was amazed at how fast his stew cooked the first night, it seemed that most of the coal was on top with just a few evenly scattered below. He also made Texas rolls in one of these, and they came out a beautiful golden brown and were delicious. I beleive he teaches some of this at the local school.
If you do not find any info in your area, I would be glad to introduce you.
He is a pretty busy familly guy, but I am sure he would share some info with you.