I've got the max in the Dan Wesson and have been shooting it heavy for 12+ years. The most accurate bullet I've found is the LBT 200gr Lfn. It's a tack driver. Be wary of the lighter bullets loaded to the high end; that was the major reason for the flame cutting of the topstrap above the forcing cone. A former DW gunsmith told me the cutting is self limiting and even after several thousand rounds on some sillouette guns; the cut hadn't changed from its first noticeable groove. Some Max owners years ago used to push 125gr jacketed bullets through at 2000+ which is tough on the forcing cone and flame cutting. I can ring the gong at 200yds with the 6" barrel easily. I've got an 8" and 10"barrel also. They're great shooters and can be loaded down for plinking. With the lighter loads; I've gotten many reloads from the brass, which is still available on many auction sites for a fairly reasonable price, considering it's supposed to have been discontinued.