I got a Husky 8mm (model 1600 commercial sporter/topped with 4x Weaver K4 Burris rings Weaver mounts), for CHRISTmas and loaded up a handful of Speer hot-cors.
200 grains, Rem brass, Win WLR primers, 50grs IMR 4350. After crude bore sighting technique, rifle was 3 inches low and perfect side-to-side @ 25 yards. 3 shots later,shoot crank shoot crank, and I shot a three shot group dead on and touching @ 25 yards.
@ 100 yards 1 1/4 inch group 5 shots. 2 inches high and 1 in left. @ 200 yards 4 in high and 1/2 inch left.
Clearly shoots better than I do and I have some loaded with 51 grains that I hope to blast off real soon.
Keep you posted, Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all.