You did not state exactly what cartridge/rifle you were talking about.
If you are asking about a trapdoor 45-70, then paper patching up a .457 diameter cast bullet might work, and on the other hand it might end up too large to chamber in your rifle.
Paper patching normally adds .006 to .008 to the diameter of the bullet.
One Model 1873 Trapdoor I have loves .457's patched up to .464, but the 1888 will not chamber the cartridge, as it has a tighter throat than the 1873.
You can run soft lead cast .457's through a .451 or a .452 diameter sizer, and they will paper patch and normally work ok in a tighter throated 45-70.
Still to answer your question, you will have to tell us what cartridge and rifle combo you are talking about.