It just seems like going to a yard sale, and the 'PRO' yard sale people show up and buy everything and leave a deposit and come pick up all their stuff later. It seems to me that the classifieds are being scoured by businessmen trying to make a buck. Especially lately that we have had multiple adds to by barrels regardless of calibre. I stand by my post. Members beware. I am even more animate about it now especially since the sort of flames that have resulted from my post. I have been here a long time, and I cant say that I have been the 'perfect' guest on G.B.'s site, (this IS G.B.'s site), but if I feel like I need to pass on a warning when I smell trouble, I will do so, and you young whipper-snappers can just kiss my butt if you dont like it. I could be wrong, but I could be right, but if someone is going to flame me for bringing it to my fellows attention, then I have absolutely no doubt that I am right.
P.S. Mainer..if you are refering to the reply in the classifieds, that was refering to getting a just do not understand the dry humor on here about the non-existence of the G-2. I was merely making a joke like everyone has on here that the G-2 is a myth. I am very sorry if you mis-understood my reply to that post. Hell, I still have not seen one, as far as Iam concerned it is STILL B.S.