My .223 HB Handi is my best shooter, usually a one-holer. Bought in '93, it's the low-rent version of the Ultra-Varmint having blonde pallet wood stocks rather than the similarly toned laminates.... all it has ever shot is 5.56 milsurp. No auto opening, misfires, extraction/ejection problems, suspicious primer appearences or other bad omens ever occured.
I don't mean to sound reckless or oppositional. Fact is I was unaware of the proscriptive advice in this regard at the time. I stocked up on non-corrosive, reloadable surplus in a big way. I do recall some discussion of same going on in the magazines at that time, but also remember several manufacturers
"Harrumphing" that it was of little concern.
Although I'm completely set to reload for caliber this rifle, my sole .223, has been a paper shooter and plinker... knocking off a few hundred rounds per season, never yet exhausted the milsurp on hand.
Considering performance (accuracy) I've never felt a need to buy even 1 box of commercial ammo for it... did consider buying one of those dies ("Convert-A-Ball" from The Hanned Line) for nipping back the FMJ spire tip to a narrow, exposed lead, flat point for comparative impact experiments though.
Times do change and H&R has much to be cautious about in terms of product liability given their history of litigation induced reorganization.