well i spent some time the end of last week talking to one of the heads of enforcement for CF&G
As part of a clarification that our members were asking about .
Seems the at least one well known national muzzleloading organization was saying or I should say one of their reps was telling folks that that the reporter who did the above article was miss informed and that this rule change did not include muzzleloading weapons .
So I put in a call . The first person I spoke to could not answer my questions but did tell me that what was being submitted in the reports was that their main concern from lead wasn’t the bullet itself but that at higher velocities , led fragments as it passes through the animal. That the test they were being presented with were showing the capability of high concentrations of this being left in surrounding tissues .
That due to the higher velocities now being reached by muzzleloading weapons , those same concerns are being applied concerning muzzleloading as well
Then after being sent to a couple other department sections I finally talked with the Asst. Chief of enforcement from the CDF&G , HQ .
He was able to answer each of my questions and even said he would double check and call me back so as to make 100% sure he was right with what he was saying . Which he did , confirming what I had been told
Here is a copy of our news release concerning some of the questions about this change and its effects on muzzleloading
Concerning lead ban information in areas of California
DEC , 14 2007
I just got off the phone with Rob Allen who is the Asst. Chief of enforcement for California fish and game at their HQ
Now he gave me the following answers and said he would call me back once he confirms his answers but as he understands it this is the answers .
Question : does this change due to take effect in July include lead projectiles included in muzzleloading
Answer: yes it includes all projectiles used in pistols , rifles , muzzleloading rifles or solid lead projectiles in shotguns or as used in any of the above
Question : is there any stipulations on lead shot concerning upland game birds that may fall under this regulation
Answer: No not at this time . The use of lead shot is not covered under this change
Question : does the Possession clause cover owning or transporting lead projectiles in or through the restricted area when not use specifically for hunting
Answer: the change only applies to lead projectiles used during while hunting any type of game , be that big game or other . The Possession of any lead projectile capable of being fired from the weapon / weapons you have in your Possession while deemed by the inspecting officer to have an intended use of hunting .
Question : does this change also establish a reason of enforcement for shooting events that take place within the restricted area such as target practice Black powder rendezvous, cowboy action events or other shooting competitions
No . these will not be effected . This requirement only covers hunting or those deemed to be hunting
Question : what is or is there the requirement for certification of a projectile to meet the requirements of this restriction . When that projectile is intended to be used for hunting
Answer: currently there is no requirement or field test to certify or confirm a projectile meets the requirement. At this point, the plan is that a person deemed to be hunting with a projectile that is felt by the officer to not be incompliance with the regulation . that person or persons will be required to surrender the projectile OR one of the like projectiles in their possession, which could or is deemed intended to be use withing the firearms in their possession for hunting .
That projectile will be tested at a later date to confirm if it meets the requirements or not . If it fails testing by the laboratory , a citation will be issued for a violation of game laws within that given area .
Right now we have no other way available to ascertain in the feild ,if the projectile is in compliance or not
Ok folks there you have the skinny . Also while I was writing this I received the returned call from Rob Allen confirming these answers .
We will keep you informed of further changes as they are made available or brought to our attention
TMA charter member #11 & Co-founder
Get Informed. Save a Muzzleloader
now as defined , this is what is considered condor country for right now . there as we understand it is also a push to enlarge this impact area considerably . However at this time we are being told that the expansion of the effected area was not accepted .
However as you all know that can change at a drop of the hat , so you should keep yourself informed if hunt anywhere near this area