Author Topic: Something that may help id your stolen firearms (long guns)  (Read 2040 times)

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Offline handi243

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Something that may help id your stolen firearms (long guns)
« on: December 07, 2008, 11:05:54 AM »
I worked at a sporting goods store parttime we made dog collars i started making up the brass plates with my name last 4 of my ss number and address and phone number. What i did was took off the butt plate and glued the plates inside the butt stock of my long guns. So if you ever spot a gun you think may be your some were like a pawn shop you can have them remove the butt plate and check. I would have a police office there or deputy so there will be a witness.

Offline huntswithdogs

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Re: Something that may help id your stolen firearms (long guns)
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2008, 10:39:49 AM »
Kinda the same but different. All of my rifles and shotguns have my name in Sharpie under the butt plate or a piece of paper with the same info if its wearing a glass stock. My few handguns have my name on the insides of the grips. All serial and model numbers along with caliber aand such, are recorded and  stored in 2 different places.


Offline JBlk

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Re: Something that may help id your stolen firearms (long guns)
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2009, 04:32:11 AM »
Years ago the police departments of this country devised a program called operation identification.You simply took an electric engraver and put your drivers license number and abbreviation of the state that issued it on the item.Then if this item was discovered in the possession of anyone who did not possess that license it gave the police officer probable cause to hold that property, and or the person, to determine ownership.In the case of firearms you can remove the grips or butt plate and engrave that number.I was involved in this program in the Early seventies and I can still recite my drivers license without any difficulty.