Author Topic: The Arctic is screaming  (Read 1962 times)

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Offline victorcharlie

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2007, 04:11:24 PM »
They can't predict the weather tomorrow with any certainty........and I'm supposed to believe they can predict it fifty years from now..?????.....
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Offline nomosendero

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2007, 05:19:38 PM »
They can't predict the weather tomorrow with any certainty........and I'm supposed to believe they can predict it fifty years from now..?????.....

Best point I have seen in a while!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D
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Offline gypsyman

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2007, 09:23:44 PM »
Something I learned working in a restaurant back in '71 and '72. Maybe it has a connection to global warming and the ice caps. When one of the bus boys asked the owner, when the ice melts in the glass of water we serve, isn't it going to over flow the glass? The owner said, no, when the ice melts, the displacement of water to ice is equal. In other words, the water in a glass will not rise when the ice melts.
What I would like to know is, how much of the ice caps is already displacing weight into the oceans, therefore the level of the oceans will only rise with what melts off of land mass. Anybody now the answer to that question??  gypsyman
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Offline qajaq59

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #33 on: December 17, 2007, 01:00:43 AM »
Chicken Lickin, The Sky is Falling!"

US government, "OK, here's a wheelbarrow full of money, go study it."

Global warming my foot. I'm in southern Florida and it was 47 degrees this morning.

Offline Chilachuck

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #34 on: December 17, 2007, 05:17:02 AM »
I don't have the bandwidth for youtube. What's it show?

Gypsyman, they are estimating the amount of sea level increase based on how much ice they think is on land.

Offline Sourdough

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #35 on: December 17, 2007, 09:17:20 AM »
OK, one of the things being reveled by the melting ice cap on Greenland is Norse Villages.  It is proving Europeans lived there back during the 1300s and 1400s.  That it was warmer then, why?  I don't think man had anything to do with their Global Warming back then.

Al Gore is an !!!!!!!##!!!!  I haven't had a high opinion of him since he caused me to get a whuppen back when we were five.  He started it!  Yes, I too am from Carthridge, Tennessee.  Only I grew up there, he grew up inside the beltway.  He visits Carthridge and family there.  Claims it is home, but has never really lived there.  He prefers Georgetown, and the District.
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Offline flyboy

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #36 on: December 17, 2007, 02:38:46 PM »
My daughter and son in law just got me a subscription to National Geographic for Christmas.   In it, one ad they ran was quoting the fact that cow farts are a major source of greenhouse gases.   Hmmmmm.....weren't there more buffalo, elk, and deer back when the noble red man was managing the store? 

How much does flatulence from smaller animals contribute?  Mouse and rat snakes fart? How about beavers and wolves?  Of course, there is always my brother in law. A major source of air pollution! :D

Offline billy_56081

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #37 on: December 17, 2007, 03:39:33 PM »
  Flyboy You may be onto something there. I bet this is a conspiracy by Algor and some of his friends to get richer. They have invested in Beano stock. If they can make it manditory that all livestock producers must suppli ent there feed with Beano, they will be rich. TM7 what do you think could this be another conspiracy? I think we need to do some research into this.

  Now what about Algor that man has to emit a huge amount of methane. Can you think of anyone in this world that is more full of $#!#? I've heard this before and wondered if these people are so stupid that they think buffalo didn't fart.  ;D
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Offline Sourdough

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #38 on: December 17, 2007, 10:04:52 PM »
During the summer, almost all of Alaska is one big swamp.  The rotting vegetation in these swamps produce methane gas.  One scientist doing a study says the Alaskan swamps produce more gas in one summer than all the cars in the US for one year.  That's just the Alaskan swamps, what about the rest of the world?
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
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A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

Online ironglow

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2007, 04:27:52 AM »
   You're on the right track ! Algore and his ilk ARE making gobs of $$ off the myth they are perpetuating..
   Algore gets $6,000 PER MINUTE, making speeches to the gullible, worldwide..he gets royalties from his fictional book..and a oprize from the Nobel monkeys !

  He is heavily into that "carbon footprint" Ponzi scheme !  In that game, he and his henchmen take money from people/corporations that either feel guilty about their
   wasteful or hedonistic ways..then (theoretically) Algore's "carbon footprint" outfit plants say 10,000 fir trees or installs a filtration bed somewhere...
      Naturally, there are already reports of the 10,000 trees being sold to several individuals/corporations, or a filtration bed being paid in full by each of several donors.

      This whole carbon footprint scheme is a moral catastrophe anyway ! If, as the Goreidiots say, personal pollution is a crime ..let's examine how Gore and his kind USE
   the whole idea.
          He and Barbara Streisand, the Clintons, Oliver Stone, Sean Penn, John Edwards,Oprah and a multitude of others can fly around in private jets, live in 30,000 sq ft mansions (often 2 or 3), travel in armored limosine entourages..then fork over $5,000 for their "carbon footprint"..and they are sinless and right with their world view.

  How hypocritical is that ?

   Example #1) Let's see..say I am a serial killer and kill a dozen people..if i just hand over enough $$ to pay for some seriously ill child's hospitalization..I'm clear and sinless..

   Example#2) A millionaire abortionist gives $8,000 to some "save the whales" outfit..will he have nothing to answer for ?

   If these clowns truly believed in "global warming"..they would honestly cut their wasteful, polluting lifestyle..

   Most people will tell somewhat lukewarm Christians, " I would rather SEE a sermon than HEAR one !"  and rightly so  ...

  Now let's tell the ecofreaks, especially the wealthy, wasteful ones.." we want to see your 'global warming' sermon put into action in your personal life"..until then ..shut your clacker !

    BTW: If flatulence causes global warming, these phonies better get after their friends, the "vegans"..since they produce more flatulence per person, than the rest of us..  
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Offline magooch

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #40 on: December 18, 2007, 09:47:48 AM »
If my recollection is correct, it just might be that global warming could, or does lead to an Ice Age.  Scientists have said that during an ice age the North Pole is open water.  As with other large bodies of open water, clouds and storms are produced; these storms move down over the land masses and drop their contents in the from of snow.  This goes on until there is sufficient snow and ice to cover very large portions of the northern hemisphere.

Anyway, that has happened many, many times in the past many eons and man didn't have a damn thing to do with it.  More than likely, it will happen again and the amount that we (man) contributes to it is probably negligible.  However, if those who do truly believe that man is the prime mover, they will immediately quit producing CO2.  That's right, they should volunteer to stop breathing and show us all that they really want to save the Earth.  Algore could show them all how it is done and I for one would celebrate his great sacrifice and integrity.

Offline 30-06man

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #41 on: December 18, 2007, 10:41:38 AM »
Wheres the global warming? I am a southern man and hate the cold. Anyone? If its just cool outside then the world is fine but not cold like today. >:(
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline blackpowderbill

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #42 on: December 18, 2007, 10:51:54 AM »
So I am thinking; if Alaska warms up then we can use all that space to live in. It should be way more than the area lost to flooding. Then, I remember that all them big white bears live up there and will not want to share with us, well maybe they would like us for lunch.  Then in an epiphany I realize that the bears won't be a problem after all. By then they will all have drowned when their ice flows melted!  COOL, bring on the heat!
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Online ironglow

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Re: The Arctic is screaming
« Reply #43 on: December 18, 2007, 11:25:01 AM »

   About 65 years ago ( July 1942) eight military airplanes , 6@P-38s and 2@b17s had to force land on the Greenland ice cap. The planes were searched for by a team
  that was greatly interested in restoring them.
   With all this global warming going on since 1942, one would expect the planes to be found each sitting atop a ice shaft that their shadows did not allow to melt as fast
  as the surrounding ice..Right ? 1992 (50 years later) the planes were dug up from under 263 feet of ice...!! Now just how could that be ..with all that global warming that has been going on ?
  Yearly, about 5.5 feet of ice was added...

  Al Gore, put your money and your lifestyle..where your mouth is !

    <  >
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)