The Duke trap company, has again made a limited run of single spring 160's for me.
These traps are not available anywhere else.With the increase in Muskrat and Mink prices,these are a good addition to your fur taking arsenal.Ideal for the wider rat runs and excellent for the bottom edge set.
$6.40 each,
Shipping and handling in the lower 48 states is$8.90 for orders under $40.00,$12.90 for orders between $40.00 and $100.00,and $19.90 for orders over $100.00.
If you need lure,baits,Hardware,gloves,Gauntlets,Berkshire stakes,snares,or other supplies please contact me.
Tom Olson
P.O box 186
Lakeland ,Mn.55043
When I get the new info to Matt,he will be changing my banner at the top.All info on there is correct except I am changing the name.