Well I mounted the tang sight direct to the wood stock. I figure if it don't work I will switch to the inserts next for a try.
I am happy to say its working great so far. I am shooting 405gn lead with the lowest dose of 4895. My first attempt a couple weeks ago the tang sight hole was to small and I could not see anything. I opened the sight hole up from .030" to .040", now Its letting more light through but still not enough so I think I am going to open it to .048" or so.
the weather was around 45 deg, overcast with enough wind from the side to fill 1/2 a wind sock.
Anyway, the chickens at 200 meter don't have a chance, I hit them every time!
The pig at 300 meters was in the shadows and its painted black, so I could not see it to hit it.
The turkeys at 400 meters were a little better, black against (dead) green grass but still hard to see them. I hit them around 1/2 the time.
the ram at 500 meters was invisible with the .040" hole.
I did try to aim where the ram was, but the 3" creedmore tang sight was all the way to the top and I could see the bullet hitting short. That can be solved with more powder

Now I am going in for a vision check Jan 2nd, we will see if that helps some.
The Butt protector from Cabelas did the trick, I shot all 50 rounds without any pain.
Now my problem. Even at the lowest dose of H4895 (40 grain per Hodgdon book) every time I fire the BC the action comes open.
If I am sitting on bags it closes again. If I am holding it, it will open, the case will come 1/2 way out and the action tries to close on the brass (puts a nice dent in case).
I did slam the action closed every time before I shot. Is there anything I can check before sending it back?