It is too bad. I do not think she would have been any less corrupt than she had been previously and that in itself may have sparked another internal revolution, military conflict or take over.
Yes, the taliban promised to kill her. Now, if Musharraf is smart he will use this against the taliban and consolidate his power to crush them.
Time Magazine's recent cover page made Pakistan the fault line for Islam. OK, here's the chance - the Taliban said they would, so give them credit for it and use this as a means to put them down. If Pakistan is the fault line, if you believe the media, then her martyrdom (their choice of words) should be enough to turn the populace against them. Those who supported Bhutto did not support Musharraf but if Musharraf uses the assassination to build opposition to the taliban he should be able to move the population against them.
Something tells me Musharraf will remain in power for a while. JMTCW. Mikey.