Hello all,
Just inherited a Monson produced 15-2 with an 8" VH barrel. Shoots pretty decent...best groups are 3" at 25 yds from a sandbag rest (first handgun I've ever fired) My offhand groups are about 4" from said distance. I've heard a lot about these things being "tack drivers" and am slightly disappointed with my results.
After firing & cleaning it a few times, I've become aware of a couple potential problems...
First, the cylinder face doesn't quite seem to be true. I re-gapped the cylinder gap at .006 (per the manual) and have a couple spots on the cylinder that are a little tighter (.0035). I understand this is a result of the heat treating process the Monson plant used. Not too big of a deal, but I'd like to get it trued up.
Second, there is quite a bit of lateral slop in the cylinder during lockup...I have read that this is referred to as "endshake". Using an automotive feeler gauge, with the cyl closed and the hammer pulled back my measured cylinder-to-barrel gap is .006...when I pull the cylinder back toward the butt of the gun, the gap opens up to .014. I figure this amounts to .008 of 'endshake'.
Are these common problems with DW guns, or am I within spec?
I've shot 4-500 rounds thru the weapon (only had about 1-200 shot thru it before I inherited it) and my accuracy really isn't getting any better. I'm concerned that the variation in cylinder gap from one chamber to another and/or excessive endshake is causing erratic groupings.
Should I contact DW to see if they can't get the old gal tightened up a bit?
Any help is greatly appreciated!