Amen Dee ! We as a culture, protect whales, baby seals, fighting dogs and at least have a "closed season" on most game animals....but there is NO closed season on little Johnny or Julie while they are in the womb..supposedly under "mother's care".
I reject the "when does life begin ? " question that we get from some folks ... Simply because they are often the ones that say "life really begins when a child takes his/her first breath", Yet they are the same people that agree with a $10,000 dollar fine for breaking an eagle's egg !
Now, before some loonie leftist accuses me of it, I am not in favor of breaking eagle's eggs ! I also believe that the $10,000 fine for killing a turkey buzzard should at least be doubled against anyone that WILLINGLY kills a pre-born boy or girl... or are turkey buzzards more precious to us ? !
Europeans accuse us of being "barbaric", because some of our states are so"backwards" that they still execute serial killers, torture murderers etc..and do not interfere with the execution of such as Saddam Hussein ! Yet these same "enlightened Europeans" continue to exterminate good 2/3 of THEIR OWN offspring, before they are born,
even though that means they are slowly turning their own countries over to the Muslim immmigrants..who do not kill their own young...
A little food for thought: When God's chosen people Israel, strayed from what they KNEW was right, God used the Baal worshipping Philistines and Amorites,Jebusites etc. to punish Israel !...
Then these same Europeans condem a place such as Texas, that allows one to defend his or his neighbors life and property...better we kill the most innocent among us
and let the most evil go free !
...Another good case of "liberal logic".
We do however, usually jail for life, most mass killers..unless that person has killed 5 of her own offspring ...
All these are signs of a very sick sand declining society. Historically, only certain weak people in societies that had been under a long, hard seige were found guilty of
devouring their own young in order to comfort themselves; and they were roundly ostraicized by their neighbors for it ! Today's decadence calls such acts..a woman's choice,
courageous, and offers many more praises for it..
All this has come about just since much of this nation has turned it's back upon it's God ! Someday we will find as a nation (as will many other nations) that GOD WILL EXECUTE JUDGEMENT !
"The millstones of God may grind slowly...but they grind exceedingly fine !"