I finaly got my deer with mine on sat. It was a steep down hill shot and the first round trimed hairs on here back centerd perfectly for the kill zone. I should have been thinking about the dwnhill angle after missing the first time. luckly she turned and looked right at me. I centerd on her chest and she droped like a sack of potatoes. The shot still shot high due to the angle and me forgeting about it. It struck her high in the neck and didnt do a lot of dmg. I would have to check but im just over the min with 3031 and a 300 gr Lasercast bullit. I was using my BC in .45/70, dad had his 7mm Mag and a buddy had his 300 Win mg. the win never went off, dad got a shot off but didnt land it. she was bout 65 yds wen i hit her. Mine was for sure a luck shot but non the less, I have filled all my tags this year successfuly, and its dinner on the table, dads not complaining, he still has two weeks to kill his and i gave him mine, and if i run out i can always pick some up from him. I wish I could have goten some pics for you all but none of us had a camra on us, it was kinda spur of the moment since the deer have been moveing spiradicly lately. Anyways, just my .03$
Overall I love using the .45/70 on and for anything imho it is a verry versital round that can be loaded for darn near anything, as allways, its not what tool you use, its how you use it that determines the users and the significant others satisfaction, good shot placement is allways the key. LOL Ok, I had better stop before i go anyfarther.