I had always been an advocate of a weaver stance with the elbows slightly bent and let the gun recoil back some, absorbing it with backward and upward movement... once I shot my 35 contender with my wrist bent around to the right on an improvised rest with only my thumb behind it and it did hurt me some for a while...
for some stupid reason I overestimated the recoil recently of the 475 I got and stiff armed my right in order to hold it. and held it in a death grip as well... I did not shoot well, as I got tired hands and wrists really fast - caused inconsistency.. simultaneously, I also tore some tendons in my right forearm and elbow and am having arthritic problems in it and the wrist and shoulder as well... I have shot a lot for a long time and had some worsening arthritic problems and a shoulder repair in the past... but I can say that the arthritic problems worsened or became more active and widespread and the old shoulder injury got painful again ...
It could be a coincedence or it could have aggravated the almost there conditions and made them worse.. It defeinitely made me worry about my shooting of the 475 and it was a mystery why I could pick up the forty four and forty five and 308 encore and was shooting a lot better with those than with the 475 every time.. my consistency and confidence began to diminish and I could to figure it out...
your post asking that question put a face on the problem for me.... why I did that I do not know... it was stupid and it was overlooked..
so my opinion is shoot it so as to absorb and roll with the recoil, and hold it tight enough to not let it go, but repeatablly tight so you can do it everytime... and never lock your arms or wrists .... it may not hurt you .. it may not make for arthritis to flare up.. it may not hurt your consistency... but ; it could do so and it is so easy to just shoot it like you shoot all your other guns... I shoot my 308 like that and it is fine... as soon as I can shoot again at all I will shoot my 475 like everything else... and better to boot I would bet ... Just my two cents..( that will be a quarter.. inflation, etc. )