D.C. v Heller Docket #07-290
The Supreme Court website has a list of amicus briefs filed so far in this case. Of the 23 briefs filed, only 3 were in support of Heller as respondent. These organizations supported D.C.'s position.
Violence Policy Center signed by City Police Chiefs of Minneapolis, Las Angeles, and Seattle;
Major American Cities, United States Conference of Mayors, Legal Community Against Violence;
American Public Health Assoc, American College of Preventative Medicine, American Trauma Society, and American Association of Suicidology;
Former Department of Justice Officials;
City of Chicago, Board of Education of the City of Chicago;
DC Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, DC Chamber of Commerce, DC for Democracy (go figure), DC LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS,
Federal City Council of Lawyers;
American Academy of Pediatrics, Society for Adolescent Medicine, Children's Defense Fund, WOMEN AGAINST GUN VIOLENCE, Youth Alive;
District Attorneys;
American Bar Association;
Brady Center to Prevent Hangun Violence, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Major City Chiefs, International Brotherhood of Police Officers, National Organzation of Black Law Enforcement Executives, Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association, National Black Police Association, National Latino Police Officers Association, School Safety Advocacy Council, Police Executive Research Forum;
New York, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Puerto Rico;
United States of America by Solicitor General;
American Jewish Committee;
National Network to End Domestic Violence;
Members of Congress;
and several briefs from Law Professors, Criminal Justice Professors, and eminent individuals.
The 3 briefs in favor of 2 nd Amendment individual rights were
American Legislative Exchange;
GeorgiaCarry Org Inc.;
Congress of Racial Equality;
The members of Congress opposing individual rights who signed the brief are;
Rep Brady PA-01
Rep Conyers, Jr. MI-14
Rep Davis IL-07
Rep Ellison MN-05
Rep Farr CA-17
Rep Fattah PA-02
Rep Green TX-09
Rep Grijaldva AZ-07
Rep Honda CA-15
Rep Lofgren CA-16
Rep McCarthy NY-04
Rep Moore WI-04
Rep Moran VA-08
Rep Norton DC
Rep Rush IL-01
Rep Waters CA-35
Rep Woolsey CA-06
Rep Wynn MD-04
These Congressmen signed to limit your firearms rights. They are up for reelection. Whether or not they win, is up to you. If you are a paid member of these organizations and get their literature, is up to you whether to continue such and aid the finance in taking away your inherent rights. It is up to you whether or not to submit letters or emails demanding these institutions restrict their opinions to actual policy at hand and not politically correct opinions. As you can see, there are lots of organizations, police forces, cities, states, Congressmen, US Solicitor General of the US, college professors and medical profession are all in support of taking away our firearms rights in the name of violence, child safety, civil obedience, or some other trumped up claims. Stay complacent or do something now. Where is the NRA, GOA, other States amicus briefs in support of Heller, protests agaist these organizations using its authority to change fundamental rights by use of its membership, and massive indignation to these members of Congress for ignoring their oath of office to support the Constitution. Don't bit** and complain after the fact. I've written our Governor and requested Alaska submit an amicus brief in support of Heller and it appears from Statewide news that this is indeed going to happen. What about the pride in your State, can you say the same and or do nothing?