For those keeping up with the saga of my DW .357's endshake and cylinder warpage problem...After repeated attempts to get a hold of the few gunsmiths that know their way around Dan Wessons (to no avail, I might add) I contacted the factory yesterday using the contact info provided on the sticky at the top of this page.
Keith at DW e-mailed me this morning and followed the e-mail up with a personal call to let me know that they were concerned with my issues and that they'd do whatever they could to fix the problems.
Having dealt with the run-around, the waiting and waiting and waiting, and the general surliness of other manufacturers, the fine folks at DW blew me away with what seemed like genuine care and concern about meeting my needs. The .357 gets shipped off to the factory tomorrow, so I'll keep everyone posted on its progress.
Now I just have to convince the wife into letting me spend that 'economic stimulus' check on a new DW 445 SuperMag.