S M Bob - you're right, they aren't Colts or other 1911s and they will not shoot 1 hole 10 shot groups at 25 yds. If you get a new one and shoot new ammo through it youmight get 2-3" groups at 25 yds, which is one hay of a lot better than most new guns advertise, especially the guns being made for and oriented to police work - nutz, those things are lucky to get 4" groups at 25 yds.
As for ammo - stay away from suprlus. Lots of surplus is absolute crap or made for machine guns and is too hot for the Tokarev. Ron Reed, one of our sponsors, makes 7.62x25mm ammo for the Tokarev and the CZ52. In addition, Sellier and Bellot makes new 7.62x25mm ammo and FMN makes the same but with a 85 gn hollowpoint.
Toks are fun to plink with - absolutely. But, when you find that your Tokarev round blows holes through old steel tire rims and the like and isn't stopped by that 6" pine tree you are using for a target backing and when you read that that particular round has given body armor makers the fits for years you might realize that the ol Tok just ain't for plinkin'......... JMTCW. Mikey.