Author Topic: 44 Magnum Contender  (Read 2424 times)

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Offline rimfire

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44 Magnum Contender
« on: June 30, 2003, 07:34:17 AM »
Okay...some of you are making me paranoid!

I have a 7-30 Waters that I use very successfully for deer.  Was thinking of adding a 44 Magnum with a 10"-12" barrel and mount a 2X Leupold for deer stalkin'.

My 7-30 is a custom barrel for several reasons...not the least of which is I like smooth finishes in the bore for easier cleaning and I have not been disappointed in the accuracy.

Considering that the range is much more limited with a 44 Magnum compared to many bottle-neck cartridges I was thinking I would gain little to nothing paying the extra for a custom blank.  As for cleaning, once I work up a load it likes I get all the practice shooting I need using a 11" 22 mag barrel in my Contender and find I need very little shooting of the big boomers to keep in form.

Two questions...

1. Should I expect good accuracy from a T/C Contender factory barrel in 44 magnum or is it worth looking at a custom here to?
2. Barrel length for off-hand?

Be honest with yourself.  Can you guarantee you would hit a paper plate at 250 yards...100 yards...50 yards?  Then you have no business replacing the plate with a live animal.

Offline jhalcott

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44 Magnum Contender
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2003, 08:12:36 AM »
I don't like 2x scopes PERSONALLY,but that's me! As far as a factory 44 mag barrels accuracy is concerned,how good a shot are you?! I believe you will find it adequate for 100-125 yard deer. I would go with a 10" barrel for portability.220-260 grain bullets for deer is enough, heavier increases recoil and is unnecassary.Longer barrels make handling more difficult. I would go with a 4x scope. If heavier game was targeted, I MIGHT go with a heavier bullet If I could hit a paper plate EVERY shot at the maximum range intended to hunt.
  that's my opinion only ,yours may differ!   jh

Offline kciH

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44 Magnum Contender
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2003, 10:32:53 AM »
The 10" factory TC barrel should provide very good accuracy just as it comes out of the box.  You could smooth it up a bit using some JB Bore Paste, per the instructions, if you desire.  One thing I will say about the .44 Mag, from experience with a early octagonal barrel, the recoil will be severe compared to your 7-30 Waters.  I can't speak for the 10" bull, as it is heavier than the barrel I had, but the recoil in the 10" octagonal was BRUTAL compared to a 8 3/8" M29 Classic hunter with the same ammunition.  From a 10" T/C barrel, the 44 mag is a legitimate 125yd deer cartridge if you're triggerman enough to do it.  If you are a hanloader, you will have better ammunition available, but this is the case with almost any centerfire round used for handgun hunting.  If using factory ammunition, you should stick with at least 240gr ammunition that uses a bullet that is of heavy construction.  The 10" TC provides a very signifigant increase in velocity over the common 6" revolver barrel, requiring bullets of good construction when close range shots are encountered.

Offline rimfire

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« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2003, 03:42:55 PM »
Did you have a scope on that hard kickin' octagon barreled gun?

Was thinking of getting a custom shop 11" gun with a full bull barrel as well as mount a scope to add some more weight.  I also use the 6 screw all steel mounts from Virgin Valley and this should add even more weight.  I hope it helps.
Be honest with yourself.  Can you guarantee you would hit a paper plate at 250 yards...100 yards...50 yards?  Then you have no business replacing the plate with a live animal.

Offline kciH

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44 Magnum Contender
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2003, 04:23:33 PM »
I had a T/C Lobo scope on it for awhile, made no difference.  If you get a chance to shoot one, it would be easy to decide for yourself.  I have been shooting large-bore for handguns for 13yrs, I'm only 31.  I would consider a .45 Colt shooting 300+gr bullets at 1300fps a pussycat compared to that TC barrel.  A .480 Raging Bull, child's play.  .41 Blackhawk with 4 5/8" barrels and 1300fps loads with 300gr SSK bullet, nothing.  This thing would actually bruise the palm of my hand wih Pachmeyer grips and 300gr loads.  I decided to find it a new home this year.  It sat in my safe for about 8 years, I took it out and fired it, and put it on Ebay.  I did get double what I paid for it years ago, so I guess it wasn't that bad.

I purchased this for a nice lightweight hunting pistol, it sounds like you're willing to heft a little more around the woods than I am.  The idea was to have some real power to carry in a belt holster, it was a bad idea in retrospect.

Offline Bullseye

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« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2003, 04:41:29 PM »
For offhand shots I would get a factory 10" with 2x scope.  Shoot some 240gr XTP's over IMR4227 (lot less kick, and noise than Win 296).  I have this combo and like it.  My factory barrel will shoot 5 shot groups that are touching all day long at 50 yards.  I do not feel the recoil is that bad.  At one time I did and put a variable scope on it just for the weight.  Then shot it for a while without a scope and now have the 2x on it.  Don't know if I got used to it or what but it does not seem to kick worse that my 357 Max or 41 Mag.  Does have a sharper recoil than my 30-30 though.

Offline opossum

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44 Magnum Contender
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2003, 02:00:24 PM »
I have a 44 in a 14" barrel and love it. I had a 44 in SBH with 7.5" barrel and to me the recoil was a lot worse in the ruger.I have a 4x scope on the barrel and the impact of the bullet at a 100 yards is the same as 50 yards.The shorter barrels would be easier to handle in the feild.

Offline wheelgun

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« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2003, 02:01:40 AM »
I have three Rugers in 44 mag and 14" tube for my contender.I really don't notice any difference in recoil but recoil has never been a big factor with me. The 14" tube is real accurate for me with nearly any load but the 240 xtp are the best so far.I would go with factory tube but that is your choice. :-)

Offline helobill

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44 Magnum Contender
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2003, 04:50:56 PM »
I had a 10" T/C factory barrel, open sights and I'll echo the "hard kick" statement. For me it was really the geometry of the T/C and the lightness that made it feel "sharper" than my SRH with a 9.5" and a 2x scope. T/C seemed to come straight back into my hand very sharply, so the wrist took more punishment. Accuracy was very good however and it served as my backup gun until I got a 13.5" .30 Bellm barrel for it. Now it's the primary gun. I'm sure you could make the recoil managable with the right loads, I was shooting factory Remington Core-lokt 275's which my SRH really liked. I think if the gun had been heavier that would have helped also, but I never put a scope on it so I can't say. However, when there's a nice whitetail in the sight I never notice recoil anyway, and the recoil wasn't enough to make you flinch. I just wouldn't go blow two boxes of ammo through it for fun, which I do all the time with the SRH. The trade off obviously is when you go to pack it around in the woods, that fully loaded SRH is a heavy beast in comparison to the T/C. (however compared to a rifle, both are light when carried in a holster or sling).

Offline BCB

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Re: 44 mag for deer
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2003, 12:16:54 PM »
Quote from: DAVID WHITE
I still shoot a 10 inch 44mag. in a Contender with one of my custom brakes on it...

I shoot 26gr. of Win. 296 powder
Remington 240gr. JHP bullets
CCI-mag. pistol primers
W-W 44mag pistol brass
velocity is a little over 1900fps
recoil is less than a target 38spl.
accuracy is 5-shots inside an inch at 100yds... all day...


Now, as Columbo, the famous detective would say, "I'm just a bit curious"!  But do you mean that if you took all day to fire fifty 5-shot groups, that they all would be inside of ONE INCH?  OR, did you really mean to say it takes all day of shooting 5-shot groups to get one group inside of ONE INCH?  My experience from my own 44 Magnum Contender and several others that I have been around are of the latter part of my question!!!  I finally had mine rechambered which helped slightly with the accuracy of the 44 caliber bore.  If indeed, sir, you have one that shoots as you indicate, you should be winning major money with it at all types of shoot-outs...BCB

Offline kciH

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44 Magnum Contender
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2003, 02:11:37 PM »
are your muzzle brakes removable, so the pistol can be used for hunting without causing permanent hearing damage?  How much do you charge?  Do you have a website, or pictures, that show your work?  I've got a couple guns with muzzle brakes, and the claim that it shoots like a .38 Special target load is a little hard to accept, unless you're shooting that load out of a 2" snub.

Offline jcsabolt2

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44 Magnum Contender
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2003, 06:23:10 AM »
Since you have a 7-30 I'm assuming you live in a rifle hunting state unlike myself.  I own a TC Encore in 44 MAG with a 13.5" barrel and a 1.5" Magnaport Muzzle Break for a total of 15" of barrel.  It is also a factory barrel.  I get excellent accuracy with my 44 Special loads at 25 yards.  Most of the holes are touching each other.  However, this gun is a handful in MAG loads.  Even the light weights.  Unlike revolvers where some gas is lost between the cylinder and the barrel, it all stays inside the Encore's barrel.  Escentially you are shooting with the power of a 44 MAG rifle in a handgun.  Personally, I do not enjoy shooting the magnums at all.  It's not that the recoil bothers me, I just don't like it.

Personally, I would opt for a 7mm-08 barrel if you are wanting extra takedown power.  No one could argue that the 7m-08 can't take deer.  It is an ideal cartridge in my book for deer and the occasional varmint/predator.  If anyone is looking for a trade give me a ring.

As far as scopes are concerned, a low power scope is a must.  I have a Redfield Reddot scope on Leupold QR mounts.  Weaver style bases suck on the Encore.  It kept vibrating loose on mine and I torgued the guts out of the screws!  While the reddot does the job up close I could really use a little magnification.  I am hoping to buy a TC scope in 1-4x for this fall.

Good luck with your decision and shoot what you like to get the job done.  I think the 7-30 Waters is a fine cartridge, but haven't had the pleasure of using it.
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