contrary to what the ammo makers,gunmakers, chokemakers and gunwriters want you to believe turkeys are not armor plated!(they are trying to sell you something) I shoot a gun at news papper with a dot on it to check point of aim and if the pattern has any thin spots(several times) then go to my pop can test with a 16 or 12 ga starting at 40 yards, shoot at a 12 oz pop can if I get more than 8-10 pellets hitting target I more it back a yard or two and try again if I don't get 8-10 hits I move it closer once I get in the 8-10 hits range I fire several to make sure of consistancy that Is my max range use #4's #5's or #6's for turkey witch ever give you the best pattern. using the right shot for the game you are hunting this method seems to work for about any small game IMHO