Thanks for the input Ladobe.
In all likely hood, I will put put a little more explicit info on the construction methods and what not, on the newly hosted site. Still, my rigs by nature are built on a individual basis, not saying another gun or another individual cant fit or use. But they are custom built with some specifics in mind. I don't know that have built 2 rigs exactly the same. While the general design may be the same, minor differences in the build, can make a big difference in function for an individual customer.
I know what you are saying about emails and phone calls, they can use up some production time. Still the same, because of the custom nature, it takes time. Each email, needs a specific response that can't be answered on the site without having pages of info covering all the possibility's. I know if I'm looking for something on a site, and have to sift through it to find answers to my ?'s,,,,I'm on the phone.
Phone calls, well,,,,, I really enjoy talking with customers. Some the best is when conversation strays from the business at hand. It has has it's benefits. One, I get a better feel for the customers needs and wants. Two,, I remember better, some of the needed info for repeat customers, of which I have several. And of those repeat customers, there are a number with more than 2 rigs, and the one with the most has had me make him 6 rigs. I guess I look at it time spent one place may save time in another. Three,,,
I have also developed some pretty good friendships, with customers on the phone. One can't have too many friends, or customers for that matter. I'll take whatever time it takes to fill their needs and wants,,,,some take more time, some less.
Thanks Again,