Above all, right now you, your wife and daughter need some counseling. When we are in this position, we often cannot "see the forest. for the trees".
You need the help of someone that is NOT IN the woods...
Obviously, cost is going to be a factor; if you are not now involved in a local church of your choice..consider doing so. If you get involved in a good one, there is
an automatic "support system". At a good church, there is of course, no charge for this kind of attention.
Most Pastors are fairly good at counseling and probably you don't need someone with 3 doctor's degrees in the field..just someone with compassion and good
common sense ! Someone that is not mired in the same quicksand hole you are in ...
With a really supportive local church, they will often assign an experienced elder or deacon to be a "sounding board" and mentor for you.
Your wife and daughter needs the same counseling and a break from the heavy weight that is bearing down upon you, plus encouragement by local friends and neighbors.
I have been in a similar situation years ago and may face it again, since my Mrs has Parkinson's and several other maladies plus borderline bi-polar..
Dale, please..don't try to handle this alone..or as a family alone. For the sake of your family. take your wife and daughter to a quiet restaurant you can afford, have dinner
and make a pact, that no matter what Mom says or does..you will not allow her to drive any wedges between you three, then find a local church where where you can
participate and get some comfort. You will likely look forward to each Sunday's venture there..
I am 71 now Dale, and the last thing I would ever want if I came into that condition, would to be a serious interruption for my son's family..ship ME off to
the "shady rest" rather than to hurt a young family...If Mom were thinking rightly, I just bet she would feel the same as I do !