Hi Shootall
The cylinder of a Ruger BH,is not as strong as a say,F.A. cylinder.The F.A. cylinder is 5 shots.
I can tell you, the pressures are very high for the 454.
Although there's a safe limit,then there's the bursting at some point,when reached,if exceeded.
This is what we as shooters,reloaders,etc, are trying to avoid.At least, the responsible ones.
As long as we keep within the design limits,no hospital time,or worse-missing parts that we were born with.
I have really pushed the limits on my 1st RedHawk back in the 80's.Believe me,it was eye opening, and scary.(Was stolen in the 90's)
The cases stuck so bad,I had to bang the ejection rod about 4-5 times.Yes, the bullets were 320gr JDJ's.going about 1550/1600 FPS.
My reloading manual has since been put in red letters "DO NOT LOAD.DANGEROUS".The Ruger held together.The pressures were a distant second place to the 454.
My F.A.,has had reloads that I did by the Freedom Arms reloading sheet.Those are NOT "Ruger Only"! Not ANY Ruger.
Unless specifically reads "454 Casull".
Those pressures surpasses the Ruger by a wide margin, and consider those as dangerous/hazardous loads.
If say the RBH has a 40K limit, stay at or preferably, below.The 454 Casull operates in the 60K range.
To sum this up,A RBH ain't a 454 Casull.But,can operate in the 44 mag range.
The 454 has a lot of recoil in the full house loads.It almost makes a 44 mag recoil tame.
My Uberti 1873 Cattleman,is a BP frame design.The cylinder walls, are almost paper thin.It's a 14 K-absolutely no warm loads in this one.
It can handle 900 FPS loads easy.Some goes a bit faster.But staying within the limits.
The Vaquero I bought last year,the walls are a little thicker.So, it's roughly in the 16-18 K area.Could be wrong,though.But, should handle in the 1050/1100 FPS....thereabout.A 44 mag,it ain't either.It's a 45 Colt.
My RBH in 45 Colt,is also a joy to shoot. The load development with 265gr Bear Creeks, is a little stalled right now.
Enjoy your 45 Colt.Just don't want anyone to get hurt.It takes milliseconds to get hurt,and a longer time to heal.
You have a good weekend and a better week.